
13 Results for ""

  • Unix on your breadboard

  • Now transfer the filesystem image sdcard.img on to a SD card using a USB-to-SD reader. On Windows, use Win32DiskImager utility. On Linux or Mac OS X, run:sudo dd bs=32k if=sdcard.img of=/dev/XYZwhere XYZ is a name of SD card on your computer (use lsblk...
  • Mini Arduino CNC

  • Using the DVD CD-ROM, get stepper motors:I took three wasted DVD-drives apart because we need three stepper motors (XYZ axis)
  • 8 Leaf Pi Zero Bramble

  • 8 SLOT BRAMBLEFor the 8 Slot STL, use your favorite slicer to create the files to print.If you look within Sketchup, the 4 objects closest to the junction of the XYZ axes are all you have to print. The ones obviously for the Pi Zeros (Leaf and Cap) just...
  • Monoprice Select Mini Upgrades

  • Install BuildTak, I run this on my Rostock Max, XYZ 1.0, now this little guy. Playing with tempratures, tape, and hairspray become a thing of the past. To Install Remove the tape that comes with the printer and place. Mark the four travel extents of...
  • Create a Training Set for your AI.

  • The training set used in the initial test case for this project, as of May 2023 is based on two compilations of some of the log entries created during the development of previous projects by this author, and that material is therefore available on this...
  • Code

  • All of the main loop and setup code is in this class. CircuitPython automatically runs any code in a file called, so this is the first thing called. The important stuff is in main_loop(), which is the main program loop that runs every TICK_RATE_S seconds....

  • The end product of this project is a lithium-ion charger with an integrated battery monitoring system. The voltage of the battery is detected by the XIAO MCU and shown on the OLED screen. The TP4056 features two indicator LEDs. One LED illuminates during...

  • Setting up a basic breadboard version of the project, which consists of three push buttons connected to one 1K resistor each between VCC and GND, is the first phase or level. When the button is pressed, a value is obtained at the GPIO Pins, which is...
  • Controllers

  • The controller that comes with the Elekslaser is the EleksMaker® ManaSE (version unclear) which is an arduino nano and supports two A4988 driver modules. I am using this to control the C axis and may use it's motor port - spindle speed - to control...

  • The next step of this project was to put everything together to create a basic PCB that would contain all of the components we used to create the breadboard version, in addition to a lithium cell with a charge discharge circuit to power the XIAO module,...
  • Data Augmentation

  • Since I was collecting the data myself, I have a super small data set. Meaning I will most likely overfit my model. To overcome this I implemented augmentation techniques to my data set. The augmentation techniques used are as follows: Increase and decrease...
  • ramanPi - Raman Spectrometer

  • Below is a list of build instruction logs that will instruct you on how to go all the way from sourcing your components to printing the parts, and constructing your very own raman spectrometer!To begin, you will need some tools..  Pretty much every...