
1644 Results for "∇ 최저가 Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻ ∇런닝래빗가격β런닝래빗주대result런닝레빗가라오케주대런닝래빗주대런닝레빗가라오케주대voyage 런닝래빗가라오케ㅅG런닝레빗가라오케주대indies"

  • Display and SD Card happily coexist

  • The title might not be that spectacular, but it's very satisfying to see the display and the SD card coexist. While the display is fed via DMA, I can pause the DMA driver and use the SPI to write to/read from the SD card using sdfatlib (
  • Object Databases

  • I started to create a kind of object database for the explorad. The first kind are the Messier Objects. Why those? When Charles Messier started to look out for deep sky objects, he didn't have the technology we have now, so the set of objects he listed...
  • Divide and conquer

  • Until I have figured out what catalogues I want to include in my device's database, I can work on the representation of the celestial sphere as a number of patches. In a system with very limited memory and low CPU power (even though the mk20dx256 has...
  • Added the CC3000

  • I added the CC3000 breakout board to my breadboard and ran the examples that come with the adafruit library. I powered it from 3.3V first and wondered why it didn't initialize, but it did after I gave it 5V. It's getting a bit crowded:The input device's...
  • ...and WiFi

  • I've added the CC3000 module quite some time ago, but couldn't use it along with the SD card and my DMA display driver - all use the SPI. SD card and display cooperated, but the CC3000 did something the other drivers didn't like. So I created a small,...
  • Power Monitor V2

  • This board is intended to lower the cost of getting the arduino connected to the internet.  I will upload the board drawing to my github after I have fully tested it and corrected my mistakes.  The foot print for the arduino is a standard pro...
  • v2

  • Uploaded v2r2 to github with the copper pour.  Sparkfun got new SD card holders in stock so I will redraw this board starting with the schematic and start over for r3.
  • Nest

  • While I was waiting on boards and parts I started assembling this.  My answer to the Nest thermostat, ugly isn't it.  Since I got an email yesterday that sparkfun is filling my order for sd card holders and I have 9 more boards to use up I...

  • ok so this project has been resurrected, the following is a list of things I would like to do / add to this project1) Cross platform support (windows, mac, linux)2) Allow command line arguments so i can run a script without a UI using java -jar DuckyEmulator.jar...
  • The Pi didn't make it

  • Sorry to say, the SD card slot transplant for the Pi failed, and the poor thing never woke up from surgery.(I should stick to through hole!).So in its place, I am digging out this old little system to stand in for the hub for now:It wasn't what I had...
  • Progress update

  • Stepper driverI have finished the firmware for the stepper controller. This is a separate microcontroller which receives commands from the main microcontroller over UART. Each command consist of which axis to move, which direction and how many microsteps...