
4829 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 강남셔츠룸ㅬ レresidence㎱강남셔츠룸신사셔츠룸⑧appetite 강남셔츠룸강남란제리 강남셔츠룸╃강남란제리″names㏊"

  • Getting the software together for the job

  • The software included, called simply 'Scribe' was designed for mass duplication efforts plus printing, so wasn't suitable.It basically consists of a list of queued operations, and just typically either takes an ISO copy, or writes an image back to disk....
  • Keys, magical keys

  • Since I will be using AutoHotKey to intercept keys coming from the remote and taking action on them, my choice of keys to send is pretty wide open. I just need to avoid using keys that might mean something already. And, once I have things set up for...
  • The sound engine

  • In this log I'll do another retrospective and write about how FATCATs sound engine works, and how it was developed.  Well, I guess "engine" might be a lofty term to use for it. Really it's a code chunk full of nested loops and if statements that...
  • Step 8. Tesla Coil & UV Lamp

  • Tesla Coil A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity. Tesla experimented with a number...
  • [L][T] PCB pre-assembled with passives?

  • So I was on JLCPCB, looking uploading the GERBER files to see the PCB price, and I saw something: So if I can get 5 boards pre-assembled without the processing fee, I was wondering if I should go down that option. I looked for the ICs...
  • Project Log 8: It Finally Works!

  • Picking up from the last log, I had good working hardware that was able to send raw data from the LDCs to my PC, but I wasn't sure what to do with that data. In comes the software. I knew this problem would be a hard one. In one of my earlier project...
  • More efficientdet attempts

  • More testing with pretrained efficientdet-lite0.  It's already known that this model hits trees & light posts.Finally made a script to go from checkpoint to trt engine in truckcam/det2trt.shIt takes 46 minutes on the jetson, but there's no way to...
  • The custom enclosure

  • I designed a 3D printed enclosure for the D1 Mini and relay board. The design is in OpenSCAD, but it uses Willem Aandewiel's YAPPgenerator template, a handy bit of coding for making custom enclosures for electronics projects. I've used it before with...
  • Section #3 & Swing Arm #3

  • I have started section #3, levels 120 through 180. The structure is printing up well, no need for modifications so far. As it turns out the levels 140, 160 and 180 all have the same floor beams and legs. I didn't plan it that way, its just the way it...
  • 10/8/23 Update

  • Here are some "Quickstart" instructions for the Menu, BASIC, VTL2, and Visual/02 programs in Mike Riley's alternate program ROM. They're not a full manual yet, but will get you started and give you a "taste" of vintage programs and languages. A Quickstart...
  • Bugfix history

  • 2018, may 15. - Bugfix release-Alarm clock caused crash on activation.-Alarm clock settings was not saved in system.-System info panels mistakenly displayed Petabyte, when they should have calculated Gigabyte.-Fixed a floating GUI glitch with bold texts....
  • Single Input Gates

  • Single-input gates (called in some contexts "monadic gates" or "unary functions") take one input and produce one output. In binary logic, there are technically 2^2=4 possible single input gates, but two are trivial and one is of little interest as a...