
52581 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 강남셔츠룸っ 셔츠룸가격conspicuous셔츠룸후기선릉셔츠룸셔츠룸solid 셔츠룸가격│Æ셔츠룸후기derivative"

  • The New Model

  • The design models have been 3D printed and assembled. We made two devices, only the outer casings are different in the two models. One is printed on a SLS 3d printer (Nylon PA-12) and another one with an FDM 3D printer (PLA Black).Both the models are...
  • Removing undesired reflections/spots

  • Hey all!This is another project log to update the latest developments of OWL (Just in case you forgot, we call it OWL because, well, Open Indirect Ophthalmoscope, OIO).So, since the last time I made a log, we’ve been working on--making an elegant GUI...
  • Design Considerations

  • Earlier version of the device was reconsidered in terms of following aspects:• Accommodating for different refractive errors • Aesthetics • Ergonomics • Weight distribution OIO ASSEMBLY EXPLODED ASSEMBLY1. ACCOMMODATING FOR DIFFERENT REFRACTIVE ERRORS...
  • Donor Cabinet work

  • 7/29/2013: As I stated; been working on the cabinet for the Mirror universe project. I bought a couple of "project" Bally Star Treks from a fellow pinball collector out of Shertz a few years ago. These have been setting in storage for a while... and...
  • FLED

  • So we had an idle Friday afternoon here at SupplyFrame HQ and our evil overlord Alek asked us to build something cool for the office.With the restriction of only having a day to build we didn't have many choices in what we could source components for,...
  • Securing the LEDs

  • Now that we had most of the LEDs it was time to start fixing them to the backboard.First off we hot glued all the LEDs into place on the backboard which was a sheet of plywood. This took a little while but John P, Tom M, and Albert all pitched in and...
  • Making the frame

  • Now we wanted this display to look really sweet since it will be on our office wall for some time to come. To make it look gorgeous we decided to make the frame out of white foamed PVC board, and the front diffuser out of 1/4" thick white acrylic.First...
  • Adding the electronics

  • To drive this system we decided to use a Raspberry Pi and Arduino Micro combination.The Raspberry Pi runs a stack of Nginx, Memcached and NodeJS which then feeds desired LED colors to the Arduino Micro which streams them out over the WS2811 protocol...
  • A working display!

  • Finally Ivan screwed the backboard into place. One of the great things about using Foamed PVC is you can basically treat it like wood, it holds a screw well and is easy to cut and saw.With our fingers crossed we switched it on, and to our delight we...
  • Software stack

  • The display is looking great, but we really need to make this into more than just a pretty rainbow colored matrix.To do this we decided we wanted to be able to open up the control of the lights to all our developers, and we want to be able to feed data...
  • Oh No! *Pop*

  • So just after presidents day we came back into the office and found that the FLED was dead! Turned it on and nothing happened. After eliminating the ATX PSU from the equation it became clear we would need to pull the display down and open it up to find...
  • A new start....

  • So the LEDs have died again. Typical really, we fixed them up just two days ago replacing another blown unit, but it once again died. These really have been the worst LEDs I have ever encountered, bright and cheap, but completely unreliable.Therefore...
  • Success!

  • After much soldering....and a little debugging we managed to get the array lit up.If you look carefully you can see the grounding braid we used as a power and ground bus at either end of the strips. We then simply hooked up data and clock (these are...
  • Some assembly photos

  • We still haven't had time to finish this off completely yet. We do have the driving system working, but its not yet stable and its not yet in the box.In the meantime we figured we'd post some more assembly photos. So here's Jasmine...laying out 1758...
  • Animations!

  • So after you have a working LED matrix, you can't stop there. Otherwise you just have a big display running strandtest and that frankly just sucks.We built a Javascript animation engine that we use to drive the display, this runs NodeJS which allows...