
525 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • Kibitech | Modules NRF24L01P Bidirectional test

  • Hi Guys, this is the second video about Kibitech advance, in this video I show the bidirectional communication over NRF24L01P modules with Arduino, then of this successful test, we goes to work in Raspberry - Arduino communication, our goal is to have...

  • We received from JLCBC a batch of PCB  concerning previews designs. 1 - M10CUBE NUCLEO64 CNC. PCB code M10NC01-10 2 - M10CUBE I2C INPUT 8X24V, OUTPUT 8XSSR TRIAC. PCB code...
  • Keyboard Design

  • I decided to start with the keyboard. To avoid designing a new layout from scratch, I decided to clone the BlackBerry keyboard as closely as possible.  A standard Blackberry keyboard contains 35 keys. I decided to include a DPAD with 5 keys. To...
  • How it's built

  •  - The Pad The PCB was cutted then re-wired to keep original dir.-cross & btns I found a tutorial here to perform that. Then all buttons + GGear led were wired to a GPIO expander (SX1509 from SparkFun) that is readed by an Arduino...
  • Numbrz

  • To fit inside a bookshelf, the depth of the build has to be under 30cm. On the prototype, it is actually 22cm. It's height is 52cm and the width is 40cm. In operation, the Y-slider moves out up to 6 cm. The X-slider moves +/- 10cm and on the Z-Axis (up/down)...
  • DAISEE 0.1

  • 2016-04-11 - Hackaday MeetingAim: push the project on the hackaday website with basic documentation and state of the art.CitizenWatt Energy Monitoring based PCB arrived. Let's get to work.2016-04-08 - Hackaday MeetingPoints of focus:How to peer-to-peer...
  • Perfect fit, so far!

  • Hey there! I've had a pretty busy week! but I'm still trying to progress quickly and share constant updates on the NeoGeo Pi3.This week I was able to place the PiTFT 2.4" display in the right place. I decided to put it up side down for a pair of reasons;...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part IV

  • I have made some progress on the keyboard controller since the last log entry.As we learned last time, our USB keyboard will need to send a specific scancode for each button pressed. All other logic (interpreting the keypresses) is done on the computer...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part V

  • Hello world! Of course, that was the first thing I typed into my new, beautiful keyboard. Now it is working perfectly, even though it looks a bit messy:If you have a really good memory, you'll remember that the keyboard connector is on backorder for...
  • Oh, *That's* What Happened!

  • So I had that problem with the polarity-protection MOSFET. It looked like it wasn't coming on and it was throttling the input supply voltage. But I couldn't reconcile the voltages I was seeing to the voltage/current curves of the DMP3098. There's no...
  • Dammit, Why Don't You Just *WORK*!

  • Well, the title kind of says it all. So far, there's been no success getting the FPGA to configure.I attached the CAT Board to the RPi, transferred the FPGA bitstream to the RPi, and installed the shell script for downloading the bitstream to the FPGA....
  • Current state of things

  • Hi everyone, many logs/files/links have been published in the last couple of days ! We’re very excited to be sharing all of this with you but we know it’s a lot of information, so if you are a bit lost and wondering the exact state of advancement...