
91 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • Layout and Key Caps

  • When considering the keyboard layout, one has to think about what keycaps are available on the market. Those low-profile switches use non-standard keycaps, so I'm a bit limited. A quick search of Aliexpress reveled that I have a huge choice of 1u caps,...
  • Where a Scope would have been nice...

  • When testing some of the firmware on the Trinket Pro side I noticed that my button IO was a bit slow. I was using a 0.1uF cap (cap code 104). This gave me (according to the MC14490P datasheet) a debounce rate of ~15Hz (at 5V). If I use a 0.001uF cap...
  • Algorithm bits

  • In this log I will discuss some algorithm ideas I have in mind for MARB. Some are easy, some require higher math. 1. Weather forecast MARB will not be connected to the internet. Call me old-fashioned, but it has nothing to do with AI to get for instance...
  • Pulser-sequencer

  • Remember the last logs : the goal is to use as few transistors as possible to send a string of consecutive non-overlapping pulses to several pass-gates. Here the design uses NPN as primary type but it will be reversed later because PNP are the majority...
  • New case and PCB Design - Prototypes

  • I've been upgrading the case and PCB design into a new form factor, one that looks much more like a gun. Compared to the first prototypes, this has a number of advantages: Easier to aimEasier to see the OLED screen while aimingHas indicator LED's to...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Bill S12:25 PM@primetimber Ture, Then when everything goes to hell, the board gets a new CEO who says that last guy was the worst and continues to do nothing. Think VW Chris Ryding12:25 PMWhere do you tend to see more security vulnerabilities - insecure...
  • W25Q128 Removal

  • The first step is to remove the existing W25Q128 flash device and replace it with some pin header to connect up a custom board.  The 1.27mm pitch SOIC-8 package is pretty easy to remove.  First start by cutting each of the eight pins with a...
  • Speed test

  • This is the "classic" MK-52 speed test adapted from Dr.Shelest book.On the actual ESP32 hardware, it executes about 175 times faster. Actually, the processor speed is even faster, but the Resurrect updates the screen and checks for the STOP button 3...
  • Technical Part

  • Date: 14 / 8 / 2019 -  17 / 8 / 2019 Testing for capacitive sensing, LED strip and dc motor. Used random jumper wire and breadboard  •Touch on the copper tape to activate capacitive sensor. •Test on two LED, placed LED with the L298N....
  • Acquiring the Parts

  • To build the Bell & Howell digital multimeter based digital dice tower, you first need to get a Bell & Howell IMD 202-2 Digital Multimeter. These were originally kits that were assembled as part of the Bell & Howell electronics curriculum back in the...
  • Repair a LipSync Night

  • On Monday, December 4th, we'll be at Vancouver Hack Space to fix some LipSyncs. We've held a number of buildathons over the past year at schools, at corporate team-building events, and in makerspaces. Some of the LipSyncs built at these events need a...
  • Project A, kind of finished

  • Well, I lied, because projects like this one are never actually finished. But let's say I'm not going to do any major rework from now. It took one more board revision and a little bit of coding to come up with final hardwareIn the meantime, I made some...