
4255 Results for "B 남양주슬롯머신 cddc7닷컴 ♠보너스코드 b77♠카지노24🙍FC 에르츠게비르게 아우에ṅ수원장안 원엑스벳ే알제리Ẽ남양주슬롯머신좋은글 forasmuch/"

  • Color filtering B/W CRT

  • Yes! Second time I've watched this in a couple years,  each time sorta-inspired, with no idea what to do with it... but 10fps isn't /horrible/, so a pi's composite-out and some sync logic could prb get similar going with e.g. a camcorder's tiny...
  • Validation – Clock A/B Sources

  • The validation Circuit schematic and pcb are shown below. There was one mistake in Clock_B’s circuit; RV2 needs to have pin 3/2 shorted, this allows us to tweak the frequency instead of just the duty cycle of the output. Other then this there were a...
  • [B][M] Initial BOM made

  • [B] = BOM / Pricing logIt's interesting to see that the BOM so far is very close to the £20 figure I had in my head. I'm thinking of getting 11 just so that I have spare components should I break something in testing.About the brass spacer,...
  • Plan B: Automatic Spot Welder

  • So for the case that I can't get it to work, here is another usecase for the machine, to be not completly wasted effort - Automatic Spot Welding. The machine could be used as automatic spot welder, so that you can set the parameters like power, duration,...
  • Plan B, then Plan A

  • Right Driver for Stepper motor OK, simpleminded me :-| it is quite clear. A Stepper that is designed for 2phase (or BiPolar) operation works badly when driven as 4phase/Unipolar - even if the coils are individually available. Or at least with the oversimple...
  • Revision B - assembled and working!

  •  Well, the activity LEDs don't work yet, but check this out: [ 3490.443830] usb 3-1: new full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd [ 3490.593313] usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=10c4, idProduct=ea90, bcdDevice= 0.00 [ 3490.593317] usb...
  • A/B Register CON Logic

  • Today I hooked up the control logic for the A and B registers. The first step was to work out the wiring schematic on paper. Each register consists of two chips a 74HC245 bidirectional bus transceiver and a 74HC574 8 bit flip-flop. I want to...
  • Plasma Effect for TMS9918

  • Plascii Petsma by Cruzer/Camelot has one of the nicest looking plasma effects I've seen for the C64. Since he included the source code, I was able to port it to the Z80 and TMS9918.    On top of the features in the original C64 version, I have...
  • Rev B assembly & bring-up

  • Although the error-corrected version of my project was delivered by OSH Park a couple months ago, life intervened and delayed progress.Following the typical order of operation for assembling a small board such as the ZeroCool, I first soldered the smallest...
  • SF30-b first plug-in

  • Had a few minutes tonight so I plugged my brand new SF30-B into my USB port and grabbed some data. Ran out of time before I could plug it into my project (which doesn't matter much because I can't get this Bluetooth module to run at more than 9600 baud...
  • Tracking Airplanes with ADS-B

  • ADS-B is a system to communicate the position of airplanes to other aircraft as well as towers.It's making sure that fewer mid air and ground collisions take place. An SDR dongle allows to receive these signals as well and plot the received airplanes...
  • Rev. B PCBs have arrived

  • Sorry for the long inactivity but I'm still very busy and the shipping of the PCBs took very long this time. After another 4 weeks of waiting I could finally pick up the PCBs from the post office yesterday evening. I immediately started assembling and...
  • [WIP] MT6820-B board information

  • Overview VGA to LVDS converter with jumper-programmable resolutionDual-lane and single-lane LVDS supportHas support for EN+ADJ inverter outputHas a pin header for wiring up VGA signals 13 different resolutions supported: Resolutions (ranked according...