
230 Results for "bldc"

  • [L] Updated Schematic with New Components

  • So I've spent... oh it's 22:20 now and I started at 1pm... wow it's been over 9 hours? At this very moment, I've created the symbol and 3D CAD for the AAT101:There's a Fusion360 bug where the pads won't generate correctly if the height and width...
  • [L] Component alignment and solar pads

  • It's been another 90 minutes and I've got some updates. Just like with 3D CAD, I can have more than one symbol in a component. I still have the freedom to put each symbol in an arbitrary location: I've reordered the Tetrinsic masterpad so that VBLDC...
  • [A] Motor. Is. Missing!!!

  • Have you ever had that time when you're idly thinking and the thought "I should do something about that one thing before a problem arisises?". Well this morning I remember thinking  You know, if those motors go OOS (out of stock) like what happened...
  • Leg Design V2

  • I’ve decided to redesign the leg before designing the full robot in order to address some issues that arose when testing out the V1 leg. Physical Design Changes Got rid of using limit switches for homing.Reduced total screw count and made it so that...
  • Ark Navigator Fiduciary Pinax

  • I am working on a pinax to host the AR fiduciary. It needs to light up an spin. It needs to be able to detect magnetic fields and movement. I've been working on this for a long time and many iterations but the current iteration I'm calling the Ark Navigator....
  • Hydraulic-Powered Printer

  • The current printer is powered by pressurized air from an air compressor and vacuum from a vacuum pump. Both the pressurized air and vacuum are used to move the ink around. Pneumatic-Powered Printer The pressurized air pushes the ink from the ink tank...
  • Zytek hardware

  • Since this is the first project log, I'll 'briefly' go over the motor and driver as I tear it down.With the inverter lid popped off it's a bit clearer where the actual motor is. (it's smaller than the inverter!!)in that picture I've already removed the...
  • Speed Control

  • “I believe it’s jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j…apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It’s supposed to be wild.”Keep MovingMost runners, once they get going, are loathe to stop. It's either a good situation where...
  • Log #3 Exploring Firmware

  • In Log #2, I explained how I found the source code I hoped would work  with my hoverboard, and how I prepared for developing new code. The first step was to build and deploy one of the code repo's I had found..   I decided on the...
  • [A] Details before 5th Oct 2022

  • I'm just archiving the text in the "details page" here because I want to refactor it.Abstract I needed a new character input method that satisfied most or all of the requirements: - Easy to learn (research unveiled that stenography/charachorder...
  • Bootstrap Gate Driver Calculations

  • Parts, datasheets, and Background:As was mentioned in my previous post in order to successfully drive two N-Type MOSFETS in an H-Bridge configuration from a microcontroller a Gate Driver is needed to complete the task. The gate driver IC that I selected...