
2563 Results for "python"

  • Test new Python backend!

  • is using the Cairo graphics library to generate SVG and PostScript (which is then converted to more formats with pstoedit). This has always been a pain. There is little control over the actual output. Getting the library to run on Windows is...
  • Connected Components - Python

  • Motion Capture is generally just a series of compression problems, through using the Strobes and the reflective markers, we are compressing the 'description' of the subjects body pose from all the pixels their light may fall onto, to just the pixels...
  • Creating a Python script

  • This Python script is designed to automatically scrobble the tracks played on a Spinitron radio station to a user's account. It uses the Flask web framework to create a simple web application that allows users to input the URL of a Spinitron...
  • TCP Python code

  • We have tried to create a TCP socket, but this hasn't worked out.import socket import sys import struct import time #main function if __name__ == "__main__": host = "" port = 22 #create an INET, STREAMing socket try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,...
  • U1LiUPSRPi Python Code

  • I assembled the latest PCBs for the Hat and 18650 yesterday. Both are performing as designed. Time to finalize the code. The logging information contains the battery chemistry and the charger termination target voltage when the ups monitor program begins....
  • Fixing Adafruit I2C Python Libraries

  • It appears that Adafruit's I2C Python libraries haven't been updated to work with the A+ and B+ Raspberry Pi's. Just created a pull request to get things to work again, and will manually commit it to the project's GitHub repo:
  • Third axis and Python 3.5

  • I have added a third axis to the spectrum analyzer. The atMega328 (Arduino Nano) program is adxl335_3can_01_en.c. The Python 2.7 program is also made a version of the three axis analyzer that works with Python 3.5,
  • Python / C development on RPI

  • So, a freash install of rasbian later, and I need some bits and bobs to get workingsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine sudo apt-get install htop sudo rpi-update sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all Sorry Wolfram,...
  • RPi and Python Lets Go

  • To make things quick and dirty easy I am developing the blackbox around the RPI Zero Wireless !! The program will be in Python, it should be sufficiently fast for this application and it will be easy to interface with lots of USB and Bluetooth devices...
  • Circuit Python all the things!

  • I went to Teardown in Portland and took the prototype of the Automat Mini with me to test on other hackers. I was really hoping to get some advice on making it as hackable as possible on as many platforms as possible. I got loads of great tips from people...
  • Detecting Eye Blinks in Python

  • I have developed a simple python program that can detect eye blinks. The program uses the cv2 library to handle the image processing. I am using a facial Haar Cascade to detect a face within the videofeed. I then detect eyes using another Haar Cascade...
  • First version without Python board

  • A time for another update as I received the first PCBs for a basic logger version which is completely own design and doesn't need a python board as a base. My friend drives a 1/12th pan car which really small and there is no extra space available, so...