
4206 Results for "B 남양주슬롯머신 cddc7닷컴 ♠보너스코드 b77♠카지노24🙍FC 에르츠게비르게 아우에ṅ수원장안 원엑스벳ే알제리Ẽ남양주슬롯머신좋은글 forasmuch/"

  • Loading Test Program

  • Wrote a small test program to get a character from the serial port and write it back to the serial port. Uses the MIKBUG serial in and out routines.; TESTCODE.ASM ; DOS command line to assemble source ;     a68 TESTCODE.ASM -l TESTCODE.LST...
  • Prototype B

  • After reading documents about the situation of blind people on Latinamerica and specifically in Chile, where only between 15-20% of the total blind population can actually read in braille or other systems, a rethink and redesign was necessary at least...
  • Rev B

  • This project has been sitting on the back burner for a loong time now.  Now that I have small window of free time, I figure I'd come back around to it and do the rev B board.  I had a couple errors in the layout for the first version. ...
  • Revision B

  • So Revision B, this is exactly same design as Revison A, just with fixed mistakes. Schematic is same: Board design looks like this: I rearranged parts so board looks more symetric and I changed buttons for bigger one. If you wondering why are vias so...
  • Project B

  • While drawing first sketches of my overgrown calculator computer, it was clear I will not finish here. I thought of having something slightly bigger, with better display and full-blown QWERTY keyboard. As it still belongs to RPi zero handheld computer,...
  • Finished the B-Sample

  • Finished the Housing  of the B-sample and testet the whole machine. The B-Sample is thus completed and will be disassembled to reuse the parts on the C-Sample.Also made test for the chamfered housing Parts for the C-Sample. 
  • @SUFs USB-B breakout

  • Here's another contribution from @SUF:The original repo for this USB-B breakout can be found here. As with the audio breakouts, it has also been merged into this projects repo. And again, the schematic should be obvious from the board file:----------...
  • Buoy B V1.0 - Assembly

  • This log describes the recommended assembly instructions for the Buoy B V1.0 PCB. The following image shows all the required components, with an identification number that will be used in the log. Components List: ESP32-DEVKITC-32DTB6612FNG...
  • Revision B Summary

  • (The links embedded below are select entries from the full verbosity build blog.)After building rev A and learning a lot about acrylic construction, I proceeded to start designing rev B. There were problems with rev A that I wanted to fix, and some additional...
  • 20230214a -- Memory, cont.

  • Operating under the current assumption that RAM is 32 KiB banked at address 0000-7fff, with the first 256 bytes masked off by special function registers and internal SRAM, some other code sections of interest were found.  E.g.:ED00 loc_ED00: ED00...
  • Rev B PCB

  • I think I've just about finished rev B of the PCB - the main changes I've made are:I routed a couple of the CP2110 GPIO outputs to the LPC824 reset and ISP entry pins so the ROM bootloader can be entered without the user pressing a buttonI added an I2C...
  • Delta-B released!

  • Hi! Here's a long overdue worklog about a new revision that was released two months ago =D It's called Delta-B, the only changes from Delta are bugfixes; this time that's actually true - not like Gamma=>Delta which was planned to be like a bugfix-only...
  • Revision B PCB

  • First version of the PCB had a long list of issues and were intended mostly to validate all the hardware working together on the test stand, rather than in enclosure. Mechanically PCB needs to be 0.8mm thin, rubber buttons are not too practical for testing...