
10191 Results for ""

  • [T] Inbuilt A4 Document Scanner

  • Since I'm unbound by the generic requirements of "the masses" and have complete idea freedom until "the rubber hits the road", as they say, I was wondering about any additional features I could install into Leti. The requirement was that:it had to actually...
  • New AC port and heater port

  • Creating a heater port out of plastic pots: The MycoBox will often be filed with a thick mist to raise the relative humidity, however I don't want that mist soaking into the heater. To take steps to avoid that I made an L shaped port for the heater,...
  • AC Phase Controlled Humidifier: Part 1

  • Humidifier Test: 100% RHControlling Fan Speed:To control the humidity, the humidifier fan throttles up or down to reduce or increase the amount of humidity released into the chamber.  The Fan speed is controlled by a single channel AC phase control...
  • Campaign 94% Funded, Almost There!

  • Hi everyone, thank you for your support in helping me bring E-paper to makers and hobbyists! My campaign still has 26 days left and it's already at 94% , and I'm eagerly putting together updates and examples to show off what you can make with the kit....
  • 8-20-14

  • The mechanical part of the project is pretty much done. Now it's just a matter of finishing the schematics and layout for the backplane (mostly done), controller card, and amplifier card. 
  • Mechanical bits: Heat and AC Controls

  • I've made some major progress on the mechanical part of controlling the heat and AC stuff. The knobs that control the temperature and which vents the air comes from are connected to cables that go into a box with (what I am assuming are) a bunch of butterfly...