
1888 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3d printing stuff

  • currently printing all of this, I already forgot the tooth count and ratio of the gear box, but I think it's something like 1:5 or 1:6. Or maybe it was 1:10. Reminds me a bit of my #Locomatrix - 3D POV - a different approach 
  • 3D Printing

  • With over 20 3D printed parts, this was a long process. The printer used is an Anycubic Kossel Delta. 0.15 mm layer height. Just regular PLA+. Different infill and parameter configurations for different pieces.Overall printing time was about a week....
  • 3D-printing has started

  • Nothing beats the little 3D-printer when prototyping. I have a Creality Ender-3 that recently replaced my older TronXY, and I absolutely love it!Three parts have been printed so far, the rest still being designed. The first parts make up the turntable,...
  • 3D Printing

  • 3D Printing: Having never owned a 3D printer, I purchased a printer and started taking my modeling abilities to the next level.   After learning a few important lessons in 3D printing (mistakes), I was up and running.  It takes a day or more...
  • Happiness, Scaling, 3D Printing

  • It's been a fun few days on the project.I spoke with a group that connects non-profits with needs to makers with skills. That could turn out to be a really good way to get more dementia-friendly music players to people that need them.I talked with a...
  • 3D printed aquarium filter

  • With most aquariums, you need a filter to remove muck, and also to extract toxins from the water. I used to make filters out of PVC tubing, but i decided to design a filter that would be fully 3D printable, and modular. I may create a separated project...
  • 3D printable brightness booster

  • Since an improvised cardboard-version of this "brightness booster" showed promising results in this project log (with video), I went into setting up a 3D printable version of the brighntess booster in OpenSCAD. This add-on adresses some...
  • The Need to Automatize 3D Printers

  • The Problem Even though 3D printing is a newly emerging technology, it has rapidly became mainstream in education, manufacturing and many other industries. 3D printers allow anyone to easily produce complex parts. However, these machines have one critical...
  • 3D-Printed Prototype

  • I've printed my first attempt at a case for DrumKid. It's still a long way from a finished instrument, but it's a great start - it feels awesome to see, hold, and use a thing that until recently only existed as a drawing. My current plan for the final...