
177 Results for "health"

  • Day 1: Ann Arbor Health Hacks 2017

  • Having won third in 2016 as Team Q for our Personalized PT Assistant – a personalized real-time motion capture application to improve quality and adherence or physical therapy, It seemed like good fun to go back the second year.  The...
  • Energy Charger 3D Models Part 1

  • After a really long break I finally managed to design the glass tube assembly at the lower right hand side of the health charger. The files are now available on Thingiverse
  • Hardware Implementation #3

  • Final form of the Health Mate Bracelet PCB and programming interface :1. USB -> FTDI Programmer 2. Sensor Board ( for pulse detection , temperature and humidity readings )3. Main Board containing ESP8266 module , battery charge controller and voltage...
  • Software

  • The software is written in Javascript running on NodeJS. I've always had a soft spot for Javascript, but here it was particularly appropriate as I have software running on hardware nodes and in web browsers. Javascript runs on both. The actively...
  • Repo setup

  • Got a public repo here. Please do not expect high quality work there, nor you should look for long term support or consistency there. Code is there, it's available, it can get the board running in certain conditions, and it is a subject for many sudden...
  • Fix a LipSync

  • Next week, we’ll meet our old friends at Vancouver Hack Space (VHS) to repair and complete a bunch of LipSyncs. Not every device is finished at our buildathons, and we periodically organize fix-it nights so community members can help us complete...
  • Software Implementation #1

  • First connection of the Health Mate bracelet to the programming interface using ESPlorer and NodeMCU flasher, using the API to check the values of the fotodiode used for pulse detection.We are really glad to see that the circuitry worked on first try...
  • Project relevance

  • Air quality is a vital component in our lives. Yet it is very hard to feel or sense, since its changes are usually gradual. We are all familiar with that situation when one person enters the room we’ve spent the past couple of hours in and immediately...
  • What can you use it for?

  • You could use it for many things ranging from teaching yourself about biomedical imaging, to assessing the health and well being of various constituent body parts. It doesn't have as high spatial resolution as MRI, but it can have great time resolution(like...
  • Part 4: More Advanced PCBs

  • Health Monitor/Person Tracking Band Boards Boards Separated To Top Side and Wrist Side Front Side - Fall/Dangerous Movement Detection -  - Eye Tracking For Interaction -  - Banana Pi Zero for Processing - - Mini Screen For Data - - Battery...
  • How to Program Class Selection

  • This entry is going to be a little coding specific, but I think it may be helpful to someone to understand how I went about adding features to the code, in case people want to do something similar in the future. You can follow a similar process. The...