
942 Results for "bar robot"

  • (Minor) Color Bar Update

  • It was bugging me today that the color bars were a bit muted - not as vibrant as I would expect; it became really obvious when the colors transition - it almost appears to drop to black.After a bunch of testing and re-examining the board I realized that...
  • Simple backdrop bar

  • So while I’ve been working on other things (and the possibility of returning to an office loomed) I found another way of hanging a large sheet backdrop… and it was probably the worst so far. The rod is an expandable shower curtain rod. These are 1”...
  • Detector bar to allign scanheads

  • As always, I would like to generate some prior art to extend room of operation.  The following concerns the situation that multiple scan heads are used in a single machine. For an example see Kleo which uses 288 bundles by Carl Zeiss. If multiple...
  • Progress bar: |[][][][][][][][]] | 84%

  • (Tbh the % isn't based on real measurable progress, but it is 2*42 )First of all, thanks for the follows and skulls! As you can see from my profile I'm very new to I've been busy doing stuff and things the last few days, so I haven't looked...
  • Chisel counter weight

  • Today I made this manual web control, it's building towards the web interface that would monitor the telemetry/decision making by the autonomous part.It was a good experience to do this because it exposed some problems like bad code and also how tiny...
  • The Simplest Bot Possible

  • I knew what I wanted to do with the micro:bit -- I wanted to put it into robots and program them in Python. So I decided to start with the simplest thing possible -- a two-wheeled robot, with continuous rotation servos and a caster wheel. I only had...
  • [M] Cutout and Camera Bar

  • I've gotten around to modelling the concept with the mouth cutout and PDLC covered camera bar. This is the black PDLC in transparency mode Instead of the Chrome-tab like cutout I first thought of, I thought I should stay on-brand and make the cutout...
  • Traffic Light Network

  • The idea Surrey EARS run an Arduino course every year. When designing this course we needed some sort of extravagant project at the end to put everyone's newly learnt skills to the test. The idea we settled on is a traffic light network. Each student...
  • Building the leg version 1

  • TL;DR - I built the first version of a leg: I have some goals for the the mechanical design of this open source robot - it doesn't help if you make an open source robot but it requires a $ 500 000 mold! These goals are: Use readily available manufacturing...
  • Fixed the Color Bar Bleeding

  • Wow it's been about a month since my last post.  I was away for a few weeks so I didn't have chance to work on it.  But now, I've fixed the issue!  My hypothesis was correct, however the delay was longer than 200ns, it was...