
2798 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3D modeling the scope

  • *Update from Apollo on the 3D design and printing* I have designed the prototype base and pi mounts in Auto desk fusion 360. The picture below shows the part in Fusion 360 and in the slicer program Cura (3D Slicing Program). I have already printed a...
  • 3D printed brackets

  • I designed some supporting brackets to sandwich the LCD Module to the PCB. Standard 0.1" female header pins were used on the PCB side, with the male header pins on the LCD side. This brings the PCB separation to 11.0 mm. With 1.6 mm PCB thickness on...
  • 3D printing tips

  • This log will include a few tips on 3D printing FEDs.  Please feel free to add your own tips in the comments! 1. A note on suppports: The printer we use is cheap and does the job, the Sindoh 3DWox (This is not an endorsement of this printer...
  • UPDATE 3: 3D model of enclosure V2

  • Hey Hackers,  After breaking our previous version of the 3D model, we designed our new version and have done a lot of changes by keeping in mind the mistakes we have done in our last model which were not able to 3D print well. But this time we have...
  • 3D-Printed Parts

  • My first assignment was to print the 3D needed parts. I used my Prusa MK3s and Red and Black PLA.  I printed 'ALMOST' all the parts from the .stl files posted by Roger. However, I used some variations: Mirrored Parts: I printed the 4 corner...
  • The 3D Printed Case

  • Electronics need to go in a box so they don't get dusty. When I started this project in 2019 I didn't have a 3D printer and so the case was built out of some aluminum duct work and scrap wood. There are pictures at the bottom of this post.I spent most...
  • Initial 3D print tests

  • Working code was step one, now my focus is entirely on the physical part of the sculpture. I've been working to get the size of the sculpture just right so the screen feels perfectly proportional. I spent a few hours at SVA's Visual Futures Lab...
  • 3D printed waterproof enclosure

  • I decided to design an enclosure for this project for 3D printing. I want it to be waterproof, and functionnal. I'm finishing the design, but here is what it looks like : The box is parametric, and dimensions can be adjusted. In this version, it contains...
  • Making 3D Printed Enclosure

  • Designing the Enclosure :This was the most time consuming step for me.I have spent around 4 hours to design the enclosure. I used Autodesk Fusion 360 to design it. The enclosure have two parts : Main Body and Front Cover The main body is basically designed...
  • 3d Printing, Rapid Prototyping and Farm Robotics

  • This log will be a repository and notes for 3Dprinted parts that I have designed for use in the prototyping and even early small run production for the UFARM Robotics Project.Grow Light Hanging ClipThe grow light hanging clip was necessary to provide...
  • 3D printed emergency collets

  • While measuring the collets for the collet box build I had this silly idea; why not attempt to measure them as accurately as possible, and then make a 3d printed blank "emergency" collet? Plastic collet blanks are available so this is not a totally insane...