
88 Results for "robot"

  • Mounting the device

  • Mounting the tablet or laptop could be challenging... personally I would love to mount the device the same height as my kid so I can have conversation easier. However the tablet I have is very heavy in compare to the tank platform...
  • All in One Piece

  • This weekend I started printing the newly redesigned pieces for my jellyfish robot. I got about 90% finished by Sunday, but not enough was intact to start testing out whether or not the design will move like it should.---------- more ----------Yesterday,...
  • Design Considerations

  • If accuracy and precision are the goals, then most of the design decisions will rotate around the stepper motor (pun intended).  The geared 28byj48 steppers ( I've been using are incredibly cheap and work reasonably well, but...
  • Next Steps

  • Now that I have it working, what is the next step? Well, right now the shield requires the microcontroller to provide the main clock signal for the camera chip. That means that the camera needs at least one PWM channel to work, and with only 8 channels...

  • Hackaday and Adafruit have joined forces to present the Raspberry Pi Zero Contest. A great contest is nothing without entries though. This is where the community is proving once again that they’re the best in the world. The contest is less...
  • Mark II - The fabrication

  • So, in case you are bored and want to do something different in the weekend, this is the exact step by step to help you burn 20 hours.1. Buy a perfectly good 1:16 or bigger RC tank from RC store or Amazon for 99 bucks, mine is a Tiger 1 tank.2....
  • FreeBasic Reciever Code

  • 'Freebasic Rangefinder Reciever Code #Include "" Using fb ScreenRes 800,600,32 Const TRUE = 1 Const FALSE = 0 Const maxdistance = 100 'Maximum distance we want to read Const factor = 250 / maxdistance 'scale factor for drawing bars Const minang...
  • The whole lump

  • So here's the whole shebang, with my software running on the screen. Because it's still very much WiP, it's in pieces. The rotator arm should normally have a hexagonal metal shell, and the vertical arm should normally have a metal shell too, off for...
  • The Eye

  • I still don't have a nice solution for the hands, but I'm leaving that for later. Today I decided to work on the eye.As I probably mentioned before, I plan to put a distance sensor inside that rotating eye. That means I need a distance sensor that is...
  • It is DONE! (The design at least)

  • The completed design:You can check out the design here.The smaller board will be mounted on the front at 90 degrees to the main board. The IR range sensor will mount on this to allow it to look forward. The Required Fail:I had hoped to have the design...
  • Laptop power supply test

  • Decided it would be easier to take another swing at repairing the vintage AT power supply than trying to hack a modern ATX supply.  Quickly spotted a bodge wire melted onto a diode.  The diode was shorted.  2 of these diodes rectify the...
  • Dog's Head

  • Here's the first version of a head--with flapping ears synchronized to barks. I don't have a dog, so we had to visit a friend and record their dog's bark. Of course, Juston (the dog) just stood silently for all the many things that normally trigger a...