
478 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EF%BC%B13hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9red3hours3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A43hours%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9normal 3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%E3%81%97%E2%80%A1%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hoursdark"

  • Information about Martian Dust Storms

  • Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell [via 8] This log covers how dust storms originate, their speed, size, and duration. Additionally, what a Martian dust storm visually looks like, a weather overview, additional information, and all the sources for...
  • Spring Cleaning

  • The library / class has most of the functionality I want, but it's a bit of a mess. Time to do some rearranging, shuffling around of variables and functions. Throw away that one flag that's not been used for a while. Put all declarations back in place...
  • System overview

  • The calculator/CPU cannot function on its own, without being embedded in a system that gives it the I/O, clock, outside hardware connections etc. on the FPGA board. The top-level object that does this is sys_sbc8816.vhd  (simplified schema, bolded...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, all, we've already got a good discussion going, but let's kick things off "officially". Welcome all, I'm Dan, and Dusan and I will be modding today as we welcome Jonathan Schwartz to the Hack Chat. And I apologize in advance if my fingers get wrapped...
  • (edited) Transcript for Parallax HackChat

  • PARALLAX DOCUMENTATIONPARALLAX FORUMS______________________________________________________________This is launch control: T-10 minutes and counting! All chat participans are "GO!" for chat with Chip Gracey! :)))Carol Lynn Hazlett Am I here yet?Lutetium...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, let's get started. Greetings all, and welcome to the first Hack Chat of 2021! I'm Dan and I'll be the mod today as we welcome back Lex Kravitz, whom we've had on a few times but never before to talk about Plant Communications. Lex, are you out there...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, I guess we can kick it off now. Welcome to Hack Chat everyone, I'm Dan and I'll be moderating today along with Dusan for Tube Time, who joins us to look at the ins and outs of building your own retro sound cards and such. Good afternoon, Tube Time...