
3080 Results for ""

  • Progress! Data from the tablet.

  • I repeaded the sequence of reads and writes exactly.Writing a full 16 bytes of key, reading a few times, and then setting 0xfb to 01 seems to yeald results.The tablet is now spitting out 6 bytes that change with the stylus. I need to fix my decryption...
  • Encryption Encryption Encryption

  • Looking at the registers I noticed something. the first 24 bytes look like they have data and the last 6 bytes look like they have data. This looks like what a WII peripheral in encrypted mode would look like. The fixed 8 byte pattern repeating every...
  • Program Listing

  • * = $0400 0400 START 0400 SED F8 0401 CLC 18 0402 LDX #$00 A2 00 0404 LDA #$01 A9 01 0406 STA *$29 85 29 0408 NEXTD 0408 LDY #$00 A0 00 040A LDA *$29 A5 29 040C ADC *$24,X 75 24 040E STA *$24,X 95 24 0410 CMP CARRYT,X DD 32 04 0413 BEQ CONTIN F0 06 0415...
  • Mapping Temperatures

  • The simplest color map would be a table with one entry per temperature increment available from the sensor. Given a spread of room temps from -20°C to +40°C, that's a table of longwords well under 1K even at 0.5° intervals. There's no...
  • Algorithm bits

  • In this log I will discuss some algorithm ideas I have in mind for MARB. Some are easy, some require higher math. 1. Weather forecast MARB will not be connected to the internet. Call me old-fashioned, but it has nothing to do with AI to get for instance...