
3255 Results for "open source ecology"

  • HydroBot: Switches and Relays

  • RelayDrive is a HydroBot module designed to drive relays and other electro-mechanical devices. It consists of 4 low-side outputs, each rated for 1A continuous current, as well as 4 digital inputs, and is controlled over CAN. This module is intended to...
  • About the software

  • Now I have someone following the project I guess I should give some more detail.For this project I have created 4 programs:A C program for the AVR on the Nano board in the Cobra CB.A C program for the stereo system head unit.A C++ QT program that simulates...
  • Update

  • Today i received the audio injector octo 8 soundcards. I'm looking forward to figure out how to get audio input and output. I'll have a look at Patrick's vGuitar rig project code, because he already figured out a lot of the details.In the mean time I...
  • Freecad Assembly Design

  • I have made an assembly design of the laser scanner in Freecad using the new assembly 4 workbench. I am really happy with this workbench. It really helps with the open-hardware concept of the project; without these tools it would not be possible to give...
  • Kit Selection

  • As far as Geiger counter kits go, I did a bit of trawling around before settling on one. If memory serves, my criteria ended up going something like this: Affordable (for me this meant < $100 USD)ComprehensibleDocumentedOpen SourceAttributedQualityBring...
  • Phase 1 update

  • So I've gathered a list of the components that I'll use for my first phase (see components). To keep it modular and easy to prototype I've opted for Gadgeteer products and I'll leave the ionizer and solar power source out for now to focus on the analysis...
  • Buying an Upduino Board

  • I already have a BlackIce-II board, but when I learned about the Upduino boards by Gnarly Grey I had to buy one.Version 1 is only $9.99. Version 2 is $15.99. Those prices include shipping, but to save on cost, they are shipped in a non-padded envelopes...
  • The Exoskeleton

  • With everything finally designed (at this point) I thought it a good idea to make it available for others. Finding an open source exoskeleton is near impossible, let alone one that has a solution for scapular movement. So look for the link below. (119...