
3255 Results for "open source ecology"

  • Inadvertent progress

  • Daily progress seems slow, but the cumulative progress is beginning to become significant:the CubeSpawn system consists of 5 basic sub-systems:1. The cubical enclosures, (Frame)2. A removable Mechanical Module3. A removable Electr(ical/onics) Module...
  • Discussion: FPGA feasible?

  • I received these interesting thoughts from a hackerspace acquaintance which make me wonder if it would be feasible for the $25/badge budget to use an FPGA that would run an open source "soft-core". This person thought that the RISC-V badge is a great...
  • Back to the contest

  • Now I'll check selected points from contest rulesContest entry deadline is Thursday, January 5, 2017 09:00 pm PST (+8 UTC)January 4th now, so probably OKProjects must use 1 kB or less of code, including any initialized data tables, bootloaders, and executable...
  • 30 Winners get $25 OSHpark certificates!

  • Congratulations to the winners!Daytripper: Hide-My-Windows Laser TripwireIOTON MICRIOHiveTrackerAn Arduino Dial Controller. (Ahmsville Dial)Automatic Door Locking System Controlled By MobileAVR Halloween Pumpkin V2BigFDMBoozeBuild an Easy ISS NotifierChirppp,...
  • Class 3 Q&A

  • Class 3 Q&A How are we using docker for this class?Docker is used to run the exercises in, you can also use an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine if you preferWhat is a (the most?) common example of being able to pull in a header file? Doesn't most of RE activities...
  • BIOS and Monitor

  • I've been working for a while on a BIOS for this SBC. I'm shooting for a compromise between flexibility and simplicity. I don't have any visions for direct compatibility with older systems (e.g. SWTPC 6809) so I'm not constrained in that respect. I figure...
  • An Introduction and Background

  • I think it'd make a wonderful story to say that the fellow who designed real science tricorders made it into space, and so I've started the next chapter in my project. IntroductionTwo years ago I introduced the Open Source Science Tricorders, which...
  • Arduino Code Posted

  • Finally got the Arduino code posted up for all to use. This project is fully open source so take the code, make it better and share it back! I commented the code heavily so others can hopefully understand what it is doing. I remember struggling with...
  • EoH demos

  • DEMOSHere you can find some examples of use:Eye of Horus - Open Source Eye Assistance Eye of Horus Demo 1 Eye of Horus Demo 2 Eye of Horus Demo 3 Eye of Horus Demo 4 FUTUREThe most important part of this project is the viability and profitability. We...