
1618 Results for "raspberry"

  • It is DONE!

  • Yay! I participated in the T-Hackathon in ODTU (one of top universities in Turkey) and we build Raspberry Eye Cap project there! I'll write how details and tutorial to build it.
  • Prototype

  • Set up PiWired up sensor on boardConnected to piUsed code from Learn page python, got data.Prototype works.
  • Perfect the brightness of the LEDs

  • At the beginning I took two 500ohm resistors, the red LED was much too bright and the orange hardly recognizable. Now the orange LED has a series resistance of 50 Ω and the red 1 kΩ.orange is the ACT LED of the raspberry and red is POWER...
  • News media and press releases

  • You can find more information about the MirkoPC project on the internet. Several press releases in the media about the project have been published so far.The most important are listed below.So far, most of this media news about the project was published...
  • More runtime numbers

  • I finally got my runtime tests with the Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3 done, here are the runtime numbers in minutes for all Raspberry Pi's the LiFePO4wered/Pi can work with, tested with both the 3.2V and 5V LiFePO4wered/Pi versions, ordered from best to...
  • MagPi Issue 50 - ramanPi is #7 !

  • So, to my amazement...ramanPi is reaching more and more people... this time it looks like the great people over at Raspberry Pi's MagPi magazine included ramanPi in it's "Top 20 RaspberryPi Projects" and the "MagPi Issue 50 - Top 50 Raspberry Projects".....
  • Driving the Motors

  • In order to drive the motor I don't need to use another microntrollers board because the Raspberry Pi capable to run Motor driver motor directly. For the motor driver I choose the L298n motor driver module because it can give 2 A to the motors and has...
  • Sensors and camera

  • The Raspberry Pi board has plenty of GPIO lines available for hooking up sensors such as DS18S20 1-wire temperature sensors: might also hook up a soil moisture sensor (measuring capacitance)...
  • powerboost + softpower prototyping

  • breadboard prototyping of the powerboost + battery + soft-power-button circuitryoff (powerboost enable pulled low)on touch of the push-button -> power on!the three wires running to the top and out the image will be connected to the raspberry pi, and...