
1618 Results for "raspberry"

  • Raspberry PiCam

  • For the technical development and construction of our Venenfinder, we follow the principle that appears most useful after our experiments and literature research: The skin is irradiated by an infrared light source, while a camera (Pi camera or webcam)...
  • Raspberry Pi house

  • Now its time to design a housing/case for the Raspberry Pi. The main 'watch' aspect of the project. There are a lot of ports to take into account and I want to keep access to them all. I've compacted all the wiring and board into the final 'shape' so...
  • Raspberry Pi Zero arrived

  • The Raspberry Pi Zero arrived yesterday, I've soldered the PlainDAC+, buttons and a usb connector to the board with some wires so I don't have the usb plug for the wifi adapter sticking out the side. I also got the basic functionality of the software...
  • Connector to Raspberry Pi

  • The most frustrating part of developing the wall following algorithm from my last post was the constant moving back and forth between my office, to tweak and load firmware, and test area (kitchen hallway). To solve this problem, and to overall streamline...
  • Working with Raspberry Pi!!!

  • After some kernel hacking, I was able to get the board to work with my Raspberry Pi!I made some measurements using Room EQ Wizard with the board looping the outputs back to the inputs. REW only seemed to work in 16 bit mode, so the THD+N measurements...
  • Raspberry Pi House #1

  • The Raspberry Pi House is coming together now. However I made a big error when it came to the charging access point, which has resulted in me having to cut out a hole. So the one side now is a bit ruined. If i have time towards the end of the project,...
  • Better Raspberry Pi Support

  • After all the last minute soldering and testing just before the Hackaday best product semifinals deadline, I was ready for a bit of a break. Things got busy at home and at work, and I haven't done hardly anything on the SuperAudioBoard for 2 months!In...
  • Raspberry pi zero

  • YEAH, finally found a RPi zero online. So I can continue the design.I have been working with Kicad for the last couple of weeks. Not sure if I completely like it, but it seems to do the job. (I might be biased with 6+ years of eagle experience).The schematic...
  • Raspberry Pi Connection

  • I connected the RasPi with an old floppy IDE cable (cut at one end). It has 8 more pins than the Raspberry Pi, so these are ignored (would be cable ids 27-34).Here is the mapping of RasPi pins to floppy cable ids (only the first 26 of 34 can have a connection):Mapping...
  • Stripping a Raspberry PI

  • I had a couple of the original Raspberry PIs on my desk, and since they were just sitting gathering dust they seemed like the perfect candidate for this project.I don't know why, by the composite port really irks me. I'm never going to use it, and it...
  • Raspberry Pi Pico W

  • This little guy just arrived, it's a Pico W! It comes packed with 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN support and an on-board antenna which, obviously, makes it possible to do so much more stuff with it. Together with the Arduino-Pico library that I am...
  • Raspberry Pi Setup

  • you need a 1. 8g mini sd card 2.usb stick (I use a mini 16g stick)3. I also have a Adafruit RGB Positive 16x2 Lcd+keypad Kit for Raspberry Pi4. I got a Raspberry Pi A+/B+/2 Adafruit LCD Case from built to specI fallowed these instructionsInstalling...
  • RAspberry Pi Setup

  • It appears that the read screen receives some command from the head unit over the CAN buss to turn on when a DVD is selected. There is also a second input in the rear of the car which can display on the rear screen as well. This may go via a the head...