
11080 Results for "%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%EA%B4%91%EA%B3%A0%E4%BA%A1%E3%80%8E%ED%85%94%EB%A0%88%20%40UY454%E3%80%8F%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EB%85%B8%EC%B6%9C%EC%A0%84%EB%AC%B8%F0%9F%A6%A6%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%ED%99%8D%EB%B3%B4%EC%97%85%EC%B2%B4%E1%BC%B5%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%EA%B4%91%EA%B3%A0%E2%98%B8%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EB%B0%94%EC%9D%B4%EB%9F%B4%EB%8C%80%ED%96%89%F0%9F%93%85%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%E1%BD%A3%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%EA%B4%91%EA%B3%A0%C2%B2%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%E1%BA%AD%EB%AA%A8%ED%85%94%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%EA%B4%91%EA%B3%A0i/"

  • Cyrillic alphabets in Terminal-BASIC output

  • My friend Dylan Brophy inspired me to investigate the ability to output the cyrillic text using different output devices, supported by Terminal-BASIC. 1. Using symbols others then capital latin in identifiers not possible and unnecessary. 2. USART output....
  • EC firmware dumped

  • After another long hiatus, I've come back to this project. Let's break this thing!I've etched a new board that lets me access important pins (serial TX, RX, CLK, BUSY ; RST and power lines) without having to fiddle with the previous hacky breakout board.I've...
  • A8-19: Can be seen too!

  • After connecting all these wires from the V20's A8-19 to the FPGA and quickly turn on the SignalTap, it's already known that it is starting from the reset vector 0xF_FFF0.My next step is to have these connected to a simple, small 16-byte memory block...
  • Days 3,4,5: Eureka, sound and images found!

  • 1. Toolchain not found After stepping away few days far from my PC for family reason, I resumed my activities on the Tsykuyomi project.So I started by reading the code and looking for a SNC7001A Toolchain/SDK...
  • nedoPC-85-MK v1.0

  • This one could be a standalone 8085-based computer with Cherry-MX keyboard on board, 12 5x7 LED matrices and 6 7-segment indicators with some additional indication and stereo-audio output (2 channels with 4 bit per channel): Intended to resemble look...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • 66% vs. 85%

  • Lessons learned from making the pattern at 66%:foam does not belong on such a small bag -- it is too structuredthis is like the right size for a tween purse or little girl purseSo now I've made the pattern at 85% of normal size as well. I never came...
  • Squeezing the code because 85 bytes is too many...

  • I have started to squeeze the hook code. This can be done by merging the start, stop and data bits into a 16 bit register and use the same loop to transmit all the bits from the RS232 character (i.e. 10 bits). It also has a positive side effect that...
  • Multi-boot Multicomp (Part 2)

  • I've got the BIOS loading for Multi-boot Multicomp. It boots up to the Multi-boot prompt. > Available Commands: :ccxxxxiibbbbbb Load Intel-Hex file record Rxxxx Run from address xxxx Sddd System boot Iddd Init: Format directory Pddd[,xxxx] PutSys: write...
  • Plasma Effect for TMS9918

  • Plascii Petsma by Cruzer/Camelot has one of the nicest looking plasma effects I've seen for the C64. Since he included the source code, I was able to port it to the Z80 and TMS9918.    On top of the features in the original C64 version, I have...