
1293 Results for "kicad"

  • KiCad StepUp: The Sketcher

  • September 2017KiCad StepUp, after more than two years has became the suggested way to create STEP and WRL models for official Kicad 3D package library. the new 3D models KiCad library is mainly derived...
  • Change to KiCAD

  • This project was a really good reason to learn to use another PCB design tools, and I opted to use KICAD for designing the final board, it was hard the first days with KICAD (I always used EAGLE) but nothing that google FU can solve.For now I can upload...
  • Moved to kicad

  • Moved from EAGLE to kicad with help from @Anool Mahidharia. Much better! Getting ready for next prototype.
  • Constraint Routing in KiCad

  • I am at the point where I need to route the DDR3 Signals of the CPU core. What that means is that I have a bunch of signals that need to be routed to the same length to two different chips on the board. I think the rats nest tells a lot about the thinks...
  • 3D packages in KiCad

  • The path for the default 3D packages like for the pin headers and the capacitor was wrong, and for the crystal and the QFN IC I drew a package with ViaCAD Pro. Was easy to integrate in KiCad exported as VRL:Back side:
  • Getting Started on KiCAD

  • For designing a square inch PCB, I was considering the two PCB designing softwares: Eagle and KiCAD. I chose KiCAD because it is free, also my goal was to learn KiCAD, not just to design a PCB. Initially all my components were THT, but had to replace...
  • KiCad + FreeCAD Class 4

  • Here is the link to watch Class 4. this class, we cover:00:00:08 - Session Overview00:00:20 - FreeCAD walk through, Preferences, Addons and Addon Manager, Customise workbenches00:03:05 - Part workbench, working...