
3233 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%E2%94%903hoursrise%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours3hoursbehaved 3hours %E3%89%B2%E3%8E%9B3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9each"

  • Points about using an ARM uC

  • Switching over to an ARM based solution is much better than an AVR+RTC chipset solution. Been looking at the STM32F030 chip and it is a perfect fit for this application! It has the following very desirable characteristics:32.768kHz oscillator on-chip....
  • NOP Generator

  • Der erste Schritt mit der CPU für mich ist ein sog. NOP Generator. Wenn der 6502 startet, ließt er zunächst aus den Adressen 0xFFFC/0xFFFD die Adresse, wo er seine Startroutine finden soll. Dort springt der Prozessor dann hin und führt...
  • Exploring the Instruction Set - Architecture

  • Suite-16 The inspiration for this project was to design a 16-bit TTL computer loosely based on Steve Wozniak's 16-bit virtual cpu "Sweet-16".  It written in 6502 assembly language to augment the Apple II when performing 16-bit operations. Sweet-16...
  • Debugging

  • Debugging Need to get this project working. One problem is that the Nano does not have enough pins. So I have used a Meduino (a Mega2560 Pro Mini). Here is the schematic: Here is the PCB: The ports (P1 & P2) match the TTA8 bus. A problem with the Meduino...
  • What is a Benchoff?

  • @jlbrian7 got it:ea 16 86 2e 04 96 ce 04 86 04 42 a6 76 c6 16 f6 66 66 fc 04 ea 16 86 2e 04 96 ce 04 96 2e 04 2e f6 04 46 a6 04 86 04 42 a6 76 c6 16 f6 66 66 fc 04 82 04 42 a6 76 c6 16 f6 66 66 04 96 ce 04 ce 86 c6 4e a6 26 04 86 76 26 04 36 86 4e e6...
  • Mechanical Details

  • This log contains the details of the mechanical stuff -- the dimensions and materials. I will attempt to generate a concise description of how to build the seismometer in the Instructions section. I believe these drawings are accurate. Sorry for the...
  • I2C on OPT8241

  • I have connected the opt8241 sensor over I2C. I have disabled sensor clock by setting MCLCK to 0. Power consumption of adapter board is ~1.8 mA. Then I have sent the i2c commands. Command output : # i2cdetect 2 WARNING! This program can confuse your...
  • The actual informations

  • Detecting and identifying a card As stated in an earlier log, the card insertion is detected by grounding the pin *CD. But this is not enough to make the scope believe he have a know card inside him. You need to indicate him what type of card was inserted....
  • Floppy Controller

  • x86 ASM is not a pretty sight. x86 addressing sucks. So I was banging my head on the wall with reverse engineering the main memory board when I figured "Hey, I have the full schematic of the floppy board, why not just use it as the main processor instead?!"...
  • Day 1

  • Wiring up the AM2901 to the Arduino Mega and getting a responce.  To start out I have only wired access to 2 of the address lines for the registers.  The output port from the AM2901B was held enabled.  Wiring  MegaAM29012,34,567A0,A1B0,B1ClockCarry...
  • Casting vs Machining

  • Three years ago when I started this project, I thought I would upload all the parts to an online machine shop and hit submit. After > $20,000 quote I decided to go with additive manufacturing & investment casting instead -- and what a journey this has...
  • AC Servo buying for test

  • 2020.3.20 // AC Servo buying for test update.As I was modeling, I was trying to figure out which motor would fit my robot, and I decided that AC servo motors were suitable, and I found a servo motor store in 'Aliexpress', a Chinese shopping mall that...