
855 Results for "IoT"

  • IUT ! IoT (Internet of Useful Things)

  • Thinking about the future of our project, for when it becomes a finished product to be sold, and our customers start to request support at home or green buildings, we have been planning to incorporate a remote telecommunications system that will allow...
  • IoT with Espoir Part 2: Applied gardening

  • New guide: smart, open source, IoT irrigation system Last week, I covered how to create an IoT application with Espoir without any programming. This week, I have a follow-up guide, IoT irrigation with Espoir. It covers the fabrication and configuration...
  • IoT with Espoir: No code? No problem!

  • I want to go beyond theory and dive a little deeper into "doing actual stuff". Complex automation for beginners I have prepared a tutorial over at that shows how to create a fully functional, custom automation setup with Espoir without...
  • We got some IoT features running

  • In our last group meeting we made some great progress.  The first thing we did is to add NTP to our system. The main reason is to be able to track and notify on things based on time. We added output on the web interface for the time. We...