
1666 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Reverse engineering my new LCD

  • OK, “reverse engineering” is a bit of an exaggeration here, but that was essentially the vibe when I first hooked up my mystery LCD component to an Arduino Nano. I’m not big on either Fritzing or Eagle, so I made a sketch of the wiring...
  • Transcript

  • Jasmine Brackett3:00 PMHello Everyone! I'm @jasmine, and I'm your Hackchat host for today. Murilo Polese3:00 PMheyo! :) Jasmine Brackett3:01 PMFor those who don't know me (as I don't hackchat too often), I run but used to be the community...
  • Reverse-engineering vintage quartz resonators

  • The seller provided the following picture but even after receiving the crystals in tubes, many questions remain.First, is it series or parallel resonance ?Then what type of cut is it ? has...
  • Reverse Engineering the Keyboard, Part II

  • So I got another package in the mail today, and this little guy was inside!This was a purchase from the local eBay branch Tradera, and as you can see it suffers from a damaged display connection. Other than that, it seems to boot just fine. -'But RasmusB,...
  • Reverse engineering the keyboard, part I

  • The first part I'm attacking is the keyboard. The keyboard is the reason I want to build a "modernized" Psion, I really like this form factor! The plan is to convert it to a USB keyboard since that will work with any modern computer, but before I can...
  • Reverse engineering automotive backup sensors

  • Aftermarket automotive backup sensors are cheap and ubiquitous. They use transducers to produce an inaudible ping and receive the reflected response - the time it takes for the ping to return indicates how far away any potential obstacles...