
147 Results for "freertos"

  • Code generation progress

  • New board addedTo have another MCU, I've added Arduino Pro Mini board with ATmega328. It is available now in the "Module" drop-down menu.Of course it's not complete and has flaws. Bugfixes will be done, this is still just at a proof-of-concept level.User...
  • The Grand Plan

  • So far we've been discussing about the system design, which sensors to use etc. I think now I'm able to see the big picture. So here's the grand plan for the development of EXPLOG. Hardware First I need to buy all the sensors and modules from different...
  • tCam Progress

  • I have not given up on the goal of a full feature handheld thermal imaging camera with the features I want.  For the past several weeks I have had a chance to put significant effort into the original tCam prototype, now running on Firecam hardware...
  • Choosing the core chip

  • Now, it’s time to choose a basis for our development. So, we need:1) a decent number of inputs and outputs. With support for i2c (for a number of sensors), ADC (for analog sensors), PWM (just in case for motors). I.e., as simple as possible to support...
  • First Prototype Development

  • The first step for this project was determining some of the base technologies. I wanted to use the ESP32 modules as the brains and communications of the cars, since it provides a huge amount of computation ability and FreeRTOS is really convenient for...
  • TSensor OS and SE050 Driver

  • The first step of the TSensor development was to choose an OS natively supporting most of the required features. Nowadays, there is a large number of embedded OS which could be used to build the TSensor node. If we only consider Open Source (and free)...
  • 512x256 mode support

  • PlatformI noticed that it's not immediately obvious which hardware platform I'm using, because it's not exceedingly common. It's impossible to remember its name because is  "ESP32-8048S050". It's cheap and yellow and it shares DNA with the better...
  • Episode Two: Hardware

  • Since Raspberry Pi is capable of doing all the things like Bluetooth LE and CANBUS, i consider it too easy in execution and too overkill hardware-wise. This project is intended to be a simple, minimalistic device so highly embedded microcontroller with...
  • Driver Updates, Rev2 work, Node Installs

  • Driver UpdateI've been getting some work in on the esp32-lora driver (in addition to moving to self-hosted git) and happy to report it can happily handle at least two devices! Basic testing of having one device send and the other receive works as expected,...
  • Ep. 3 - Firmware overview #code

  • I developed the firmware with platformio, Esp32/Arduino framework, and it is based on bodmer/TFT_eSPI, t-vk/ESP32 BLE Keyboard, and t-vk/ESP32 BLE Mouse libraries. Using the ESP32 BLE Keyboard and ESP32 BLE Mouse libraries, the device works...
  • Firmware

  • How to upload firmware WT32-ETH01 requires a standalone USB to UART adapter for firmware uploading. Wiring: Pins IO0 and EN should be connected to GND only to start uploading firmware and then disconnected to allow the normal boot. To configure wired...
  • Software development environment

  • I'm an experienced professional software developer. In my day job, I use all sorts of fancy tools. Nonetheless, when I returned to fiddling with electronics a few years ago, my journey with microprocessors was typical for hobbyists.I started with an...