
147 Results for "freertos"

  • Setting up the Build Environment

  • Summary The various software tools were collected and deployed into a build virtual machine.  A simple build was performed as a sanity check of the tools. Deets I generally use virtual machines for my project build systems.  This make it easy...
  • Shilly-shally with the Shell by the Seashore

  • Summary: I first try to get a UART up to provide some I/O for the shell.  Half seems to be working. Deets: For my first step, I am going to simply get a serial port up with the System Workbench HAL drivers, and attempt to wire that into the eLua. ...
  • The Monitor Task and the Command Processor

  • Summary The skeletal implementation of the Monitor task is implemented. Deets The Monitor task is a simple command line interface over a stream interface.  In this project, that stream will the the USB CDC interface. The design is fairly simple: ...
  • Setting Up PWM Output

  • Summary For the first step of attempting to simulate the SP0256-AL2 (e.g., no physical chip needed), I wanted to test the PWM output, sending pre-recorded data.  For the second step, I wanted to full-on simulate the physical chip. Deets First, I...

  • I did a total makeover, through away FreeRTOS and changed everything with the standard library 'Scheduler'.By reading the whole documentation I understood that it isn't a real 'realtime system' . By every delay in the task it starts another task, this...
  • ROMfs and Remus, and the Founding of Rome

  • Summary: Made a separate tool to generate 'romfs'. Deets: I set down to reverse-engineer the Lua-based build system to see where the 'romfs' is generated.  Happily, this wound up being a relatively easy exercise, performed by a deviously named routing...
  • Debugging the i.MXRT1021 with SWO

  • Currently I'm working on the firmware of the µC, especially the USB stuff. I already had a working demo that runs bare metal on the chip and let's you program the FPGA. It worked fine, but the architecture was a bit messy so I decided to rewrite...
  • Testing the STC3100 on the LoRaWAN Feather Board

  • So I put together a simple project using the *.ioc file that I created for the Feather board, CubeMX and the driver I just put together and the results are good.First up is to get rid of the FreeRTOS calls://buf = pvPortMalloc((size_t)(ByteCount...
  • BlueRetro Software Design

  • Cores, Tasks & ISR Selecting the ESP32 right away steered my software design in the direction of using one core for Bluetooth and the other for the wired interface. The ESP-IDF expose the Bluetooth controller via a virtual HCI interface. The esp_vhci_host_send_packet...
  • Why one more API ?

  • There are so many APIs already, why should we develop a new one ? To us, the key of democratizing access to this world crucial technology is to make it simple to understand and simple to hack ! Breaking down the complexity barrier implies : Simple ergonomicsNo...