
403 Results for "feather"

  • Surprise PCBs

  • This is the effect of my brainstorming about the best board to use for Tote's brains. I initially choose the D1 Mini board, and designed a couple of PCBs to use it. However, I did that late at night, and in the morning I didn't remember that I ordered...
  • New PCB Design

  • As mentioned, it's time to modernize this design a little bit. So first of all, I added the PCB legs from #D1 Mini Tote, and also added footprints for contact switches at the ends of those legs. Then I switched all parts (except for headers) to SMD,...
  • Progress is being made!!!

  • It's been quite a long time coming but I've finally got some updates on this project.  I've been repeatedly delayed due to a vacation, massive computer failures, waiting for a new computer (then loading all the software etc.) and finally an illness. ...
  • Prototypes

  • A gathered all my attempts at a microcontroller-based simple game console, and took a photo:On the far right you can see #Frowney, then there is a bunch of different versions of the #PewPew FeatherWing, in the far left corner there is #D1 Mini X-Pad...
  • Homebrew

  • This device I'm building is not very beginner-friendly. It uses all SMD components, a bare displays screen, needs you to flash the bootloader to a bare chip and compile your own CircuitPython, etc. Quite a bit of work, to be honest. On the other hand,...
  • Outlook

  • After the mixed experience with the gateway based on the Adafruit Feather 32u4 FONA, we came up with a new design. It bases on an Arduino Mega 2560, an Adafruit FONA breakout board, an RTC, and an SD-card reader. The larger memory of the Arduino Mega...
  • Resuming progress

  • Hello all!I'm not dead and have gotten to pick this project back up after a long time.My current work isn't really ready to post, I'm still getting back into the swing of Arduino stuff again. Currently I'm looking at i2c-based IO expanders to consolidate...
  • Progress

  • I have spent the whole Sunday re-doing the PCB design, and then adding battery protection, charging and a speaker with amplifier. It looks like this now:And then I realized that the puny SAMD21 is not going to have enough memory to make use of this —...
  • ESP8266 port

  • I've had a few questions about whether this project could be ported to an ESP8266. It turns out the answer is yes:This port is at a very early stage, so I'm not releasing the code just yet. It runs, but loading and saving of settings (and tapes) doesn't...
  • 3D Prints Done (For Now)

  • I've been keeping our 3D printers at work busy.  Actually, some "real" work bumped me off our new RAISE3D machine so I finished the last few pieces using our old Makerbot Replicator 2.Here are all the pieces together for the first time.And last...
  • Start

  • After playing around with the first Prototype of LoPSy (LoRa Paging System ;-) ) and the first range test went well, I wanted to start with a new hardware revision. The first hardware prototype contained a Nokia display, AI-Thinker Ra-02 433 MHz LoRa...