
304 Results for "ros"

  • Robot Up

  • After ensuring that no more localhost bindings were taking place by ensuring the ROS_IP / ROS_HOSTNAME were set the same problem with Connection Refused occurred. Like many problems this one was related to a combination of my own stupidity and a bugs...
  • Simulate it!

  • Our friend Paul B has created a simulation model of the Razbot. You can take it for a test drive before you build one.To run the simulation, install ROS, Gazebo and the Gazebo ROS packages on your Ubuntu system.Clone the following repository into your...
  • Path Coverage/Cleaning Algorithm

  • I wanted to get my Wild Thumper to clean the floor so I attached a microfoam brush to the front: So the robot should clean the floor by fully covering a given area with simple back-and-forth boustrophedic motions. Boustrophedon means "the way of...
  • LIDAR message

  • I am planning to use ROS to interface the Lidar with the copter. The LIDAR messages are published using the message format defined in the sensor_msgs/laserscan message type in ROS. The message consists of :std_msgs/Header headerfloat32 angle_minfloat32...
  • Some zakharos_core documentation

  • Before moving to the reimplementing of moving platform on ESP32 I've added some documentation to the zakharos_core repository. Code has a lot of roughness that will be polished later (probably on the next milestone - The Emotions Demo) Documentation...

  • The project is ambitious, and I cannot move it that fast as I want to. If you are as interested in robotics as I am, let's try to work together. I'm confident that we will develop something unique! The project covers many different areas and programming...
  • Software

  • Free and Open-Source Software is used as much as possible throughout the project. On the robot of course, but also for the tools around it: the source code is written on Linux and hosted on GitLab, the case is designed with Blender, sliced with PrusaSlicer,...
  • Licenses and permissions

  • We intend to release the entirety of this project as open-source, however, we are still working on polishing the code and touching up the CAD models before sending it off into the wild. In the coming weeks as this data is released we will be publishing...
  • Update 1

  • How does it work / What I've done so far I put together a quick demo video (linked at the top of the post) just to document the current state of my prototype. I'm very early in the process, and honestly, I've kind of cheated a bunch just to get something...
  • New Project: Phoebe TurtleBot

  • While my understanding of the open source Robot Operating System is still far from complete, I feel like I’m far enough along to build a robot to run ROS. Doing so would help cement the concepts covered so far and serve as an anchor to help...