
3688 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8OIOX8489X83O6%E3%80%8B3hours%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0%E2%91%A4%E2%94%BEhealthy%E3%8E%8E3hours%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A83hours%E3%81%97possessed 3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A43hours 3hours%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%E3%85%AD3hours%D0%ABglass%E2%94%AE"

  • Gathering information

  • Tonight I gathered some reference/research material for this project. Fortunately, several others have done some really great work with this module, so here's credit to them: LTC3780 DatasheetBeyond Logic blog postTemplaro blog postGreat Scott videoJulien...
  • Access SD Cards from the PSoC

  • I'm going to create a stand-alone PSoC project to use the PSoC to read SD cards. I'm going to start with the hardware defines for this project (which should leave the Z80 hardware pins unmolested) and just not download code. For the software piece, I...
  • ALU and Instruction Set

  • Hardware testing is complete on all the jump and branch instructions. So that's the first 8 out of 256 instructions tested! The next 24 are loading operands. These should work fine since the jump/branch instructions are also loading operands in order...
  • Timing & camera settings

  • Got some more packets with timing values for key bits. 8e/ff 8e/b5 de/4c 8e/e5 0d/ff 8e/a9 91/25 8e/a1 2b/f8 2b/a5 00/2c 8e/b9 00/80 8e/bd 18/00 69/23 23/99 ff/fb 02/ff 8e/f9 55/ff 8e/f7 7b/ff 8e/b3 00/12 00/46 00/2f 00/f5 57/ff 49/ff 5c/ff 0f/ff 00/be...
  • Cyrillic alphabets in Terminal-BASIC output

  • My friend Dylan Brophy inspired me to investigate the ability to output the cyrillic text using different output devices, supported by Terminal-BASIC. 1. Using symbols others then capital latin in identifiers not possible and unnecessary. 2. USART output....

  • 66 03 60 4D F5 66 03 C0 SOH DE 1D 40 E5 #62 E7 41 EE 70 48 4F 52 50 43 35 33 32 34 37 36 19 06 22 06 22 SOH10 46 30 46 19 SOH42 70 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 31 38 30 33 35 33 32 34 37 36 4B 08 08 DC C1 C1 32 DC C1 C1 32 42 B4 42 B4 02 SOH02 02 02...
  • Program Listing

  • * = $0400 0400 START 0400 SED F8 0401 CLC 18 0402 LDX #$00 A2 00 0404 LDA #$01 A9 01 0406 STA *$29 85 29 0408 NEXTD 0408 LDY #$00 A0 00 040A LDA *$29 A5 29 040C ADC *$24,X 75 24 040E STA *$24,X 95 24 0410 CMP CARRYT,X DD 32 04 0413 BEQ CONTIN F0 06 0415...
  • More Peripherals and some tablet bytes.

  • The amazon fairy dropped off a "NES Classic Controller" and a "Classic Pro"The classic pro comes up as a classic controller, The only difference is the analog R and L on the one I have are buttons and just return the max value when pushed. Although this...