
704 Results for "TTL computer"

  • TTL inside

  • Recently Steve Toner showed his sticker "TTL inside": So I decided to order my own version of that (in RED): After applying to the plastic box, which could be used for my future TTL computer,...
  • How TTL beat DTL

  • I stumbled upon a blog post by David Laws, written in 2015 for the Computer History Museum about how TTL overtook DTL. Fascinating read. TL;DR: Fairchild sticks with DTL, TI invests in TTL and becomes the leader. But the battle was not as clear cut as...
  • Casing + TTL-fail.

  • It's time to case-up the 8088 system so I can reclaim my coffee/dinner-table. (I found this motherboard in a "scrap PCB's" box. Amazing it survived all those years of storage, nevermind the countless diggings-through-those-boxes!).I've settled on an...
  • ECM-16/TTL Pilot-1 computer

  • UPD: I created a new project dedicated exclusively for this Pilot-1 cpu.This is fully functional, albeit severely limited, automated calculating machine. It can be viewed as having a kind of Harvard architecture, as it has all instructions in ROM, and...
  • TTL computer ROM is feature complete

  • After 360 commits my coding frenzy has reached a conclusion: ROM v1 is feature complete! The kit will ship not with one but with two fast paced games: Snake and Racer. Sound improved and the serial loader is reliable, which is great for hacking...
  • Gigatron! The TTL computer as a kit

  • Some months ago my good friend Walter has silently joined the project. The reason is that I receive a lot of enthusiasm whenever I show this to friends, to the point where one is already seriously trying to write a chess program for it....
  • A simpler ALU (for the Kobold CPU)

  • For my new project, the KOBOLD Retro TTL computer (that will be a full computer with minimal number of parts), I designed a simpler ALU. For 4 bits, it has only 4 IC's instead of 7. It can also shift right ! It can be found in this Kobold project...
  • Assembly Language Reference

  • The assembly language for the 74xx Computer has been finalized and documented: that is mentioned in the reference is also implemented in the...
  • A new project : Isetta

  • Check my new project, the Isetta TTL computer !  It will be a single board TTL computer with video output, that can run 6502 programs and also Z80 programs at a good speed ! It is expected to run Apple ][, ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 programs with...
  • Working PCB version

  • The breadboard TTL color computer has a PCB baby now. Her heart beats at 6.25 MHz. Here you see the little one sleeping and dreaming of her mom. Mother and baby are doing well. Father will be fine soon also.
  • Graphics and Sound Card

  • Recently design additional board to support output display graphics/text and sound generation. This card uses TMS9918 Video Display Processor and AY-3-8910 Sound Generator. This card have same dimensions like main CPU-IO board and controlled by main...
  • Dear Marcel

  • Hello @Marcel van Kervinck,I'm sorry you had to go away. It was a chance to chat with you and I hope Hackaday will preserve your work and logs for ever. You are sorely missed.'ll...