
25 Results for "ros2"

  • ROS2 Progress

  • I have been making some decent progress learning ROS2 and setting it up on the Roomba. As part of learning ROS2, I wrote a simple node for the BNO055 IMU based on the Adafruit CircuitPython BNO055 driver. Additionally, I detailed how to cross-compile...
  • ROS2 Headaches.

  • First step to get anywhere is to get ROS2 and the camera working. Which ideally would have been a matter of some apt-gets. Except there were a few complications: ROS2 is native to Ubuntu LTS.Latest LTS is Ubuntu 22.04.Camera Module 3 is a new module...
  • Building ROS2 for the RPi ZW

  • "ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy Artwork" by Open Source Robotics Foundation is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 Manually building ROS 2 [1] for the Raspberry Pi Zero W is necessary because Debian 10 Buster is a tier 3 platform [2]. This means that there are no...
  • Licenses and permissions

  • We intend to release the entirety of this project as open-source, however, we are still working on polishing the code and touching up the CAD models before sending it off into the wild. In the coming weeks as this data is released we will be publishing...
  • CF CF CF

  • K3lso with CF covers! Damn happy with the covers!  #k3lso #robotics #quad #quadruped #ros2 #realsense #UPXtreme #UPVision #d435 #design #carbon #fusion360 #tmotor #mjbots #MIT #cheetah #milling #cnc
  • Software Overview

  • OMNi runs Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS2 Foxy Fitzroy. ROS2 is the second version of the Robotic Operating System, a benchmark platform for robotics in both academia and industry. The ROS2 architecture is to create a network of nodes with publisher/subscriber...
  • Let's Go !!!

  • Hey folks !! Starting this project to accomplish a number of things but the main focus is to learn ROS2 and building robotics systems using ROS2 but you know its got my usual roundabout extra challenging approach of having a few other projects within...
  • Remote control operational

  • So thanks to Microblocks I have a remote control bot that can pick stuff up now. Still having problems with the ROS2 build, but nice to have some progress. More info
  • Upgrades

  • I upgraded the RPi ZW to the new RPi Zero 2 to take advantage of the massive performance increase offered by the RP3A0 arm64 SiP [1]. Switching to an arm64 CPU and OS also means that my cumbersome cross-compilation environment is no longer needed! However,...
  • Telepresent Operation

  • As powerful as autonomous SLAM navigation algorithms are, sometimes having human operators is required. An example may be for visitors to museums, or other events, that wish to self-guide their own tour while also interacting with the exhibits, however,...