
589 Results for "retro arcade"

  • HB6809 Homebrew computer

  • I wanted a low cost kit like computer based around the 6809, with a very simple expansion bus. Design goals: Cost - try to keep board footprints small (this was hard, further minimization with surface mount parts would be the way to go even lower)Minimal...
  • Pi Deck

  • Greetings all! This is my take on a Raspberry Pi-based laptop. Can I call it a cyberdeck? That seems to be in vogue, so I will. I was originally going to go x86/amd64 with one of these shelled but: 1) It was well-worn and had a loose hdmi port,...
  • Thoughts

  • So now that I have my first piece built it is time for me to get serious about designing the rest of the carts.  I have the dimensions basically worked out, here is a front view of the carts together. This fully fills in the available space, so...
  • Greetings Programs!

  • With the test fit out of the way, a few weeks back I finished off the design drawings for the top and back panel for use with a rapid turn laser cut / fabrication service and I think we all agree the results are breathtaking.  I went right to work...
  • MyVFD

  • What is a VFD VFD means vacuum fluorescent display. Widely used in DVDs, radios, cassette decks, and so on. VFD screens look bright and visible from all angles. Making them the best choice for these devices. Today you can still see VFD screens in POS...
  • My experience using a PCB fab service (Pcbway)

  • Update 2019-11-03: There is a way to perhaps reduce the shipping cost. PCBWay has an official store and runs promotions on Aliexpress. The price shown next to the item is not the correct PCB fab price, you have to look in the description for...
  • The Amstrad CPC Portable

  • Demo Videos: The final CPC Portable playing "Oh Mummy!":  Build Objectives  In principle, I am not a big fan of case mods. Being a collector of retro computers, I strive to restore and preserve the original hardware. This cost-reduced CPC 464...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, I guess we can kick it off now. Welcome to Hack Chat everyone, I'm Dan and I'll be moderating today along with Dusan for Tube Time, who joins us to look at the ins and outs of building your own retro sound cards and such. Good afternoon, Tube Time...
  • Retrofit Robot

  • The goal of the project is to keep the original look of the robot while adding some new cool functionality to the old construction. The robot will be controlled with some form of bluetooth controller in the beginning for testing and in the end I plan...
  • The Hardware Story (Part 1: Fail)

  • For The Open Bar hardware design, we started off with a simple approach. For the first iteration of the project, the idea was to use a CO2 tank to pressurize the ingredients that would be dispensed. Each one of the ingredients would have 2 hoses -- a...
  • ESP Everything transcript

  • Sophi: And.... let's get started. welcome @Sprite_tm !Sprite, can you introduce yourself, tell us all who you are and what you work on?(pretty excited to have you hosting btw)Sprite_tm says: Thanks Sophi, glad I can be here again! Fingers all warmed...