
383 Results for ""

  • Project Log 1 - Beginning at the End.

  • I have always been a bit terrible at writing essays. This is a trait of mine that has followed me through my History A level in sixth form, through report writing during my Robotics degree, and now onto writing Technical Descriptions for personal and...
  • Schematic and Operation

  • The schematics are done!  I kind of want to do a video going over the design process as this has evolved over what's now several years, there have been a ton of changes to everything.  For now I'll throw some (slightly) better explanations...
  • Gyroscope for Xbox 360 gamepad

  • There are 3 modes of use: - Default - no use of the gyroscope (button 1 - digital pin 5)- Steering wheel - emulation of the left stick by the gyro (button 2 - digital pin 4)- FPS - mouse movement by tilting the gyro (button 3 - digital pin 3)The centering...
  • AFD Nightstalker

  • Main development objectives: simplified construction: avoid the need for specialized tools and procedures; accessible materials: components should not be more exotic than generic hardware store stock; use previously sourced material whenever possible;...
  • Tee Eye

  • Video of Tee Eye and Proof Concept Video of my first attempt at soldering to a different calculators pads and having it work with an optocoupler and the final result of the project.   Final Thoughts: Aside from having to buy the optocouplers...
  • Lighting Boat

  • The light bulb of this boat turns on when the boat is placed in the water. The boat has a BJT transistor water sensor that activates the light bulb. However, a more simpler and cheaper circuit is published here:
  • Got Pyboard and some PVC

  • So yesterday I got my Pyboard Lite 1.0 with accelerometer. Very nice and tiny board. Thought that it came in broken only to figure out that micro-USB cable I used was not working. Couldn't make it show up as a COM port on my Windows machine. Rest...
  • Homemade Rotovap

  • Introduction: A Rotovap is extremely useful to have for chemistry but is usually prohibitively expensive for most people to buy (~$500 used and >$2000 new). This project outlines how to create your own rotovap assuming you have a vacuum supply, wood...