
42 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • One Square Inch projects on OSH Park

  • We are honored to see many of the One Square Inch entries used OSH Park to create their boards. Here’s a few:quadcopter in one inch"itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny fully autonomous quadcopter" OSH Park shared project: minicopter/201510.1 Micro Word Clock"Displaying...

  • HOME AUTOMATION INTRODUCTION Hello Innovators welcome back to another article of YK Electrical hope you guys are doing Good…. In this article we will see how to control an electric remotely. We will learn how to accomplish this target as this will be...
  • Robot grający na ksylofonie

  • 1. Cel: Celem pracy jest wykonanie projektu urządzenia mechatronicznego lub   kluczowego elementu urządzenia mechatronicznego, zbudowanego na bazie podzespołów LEGO oraz przeprowadzenie procesu projektowego zgodnego z rzeczywiście używanym...
  • The TAP selector

  • As shown in the log 111. Design of a TAP : the SIPO Controller, the first module is the "selector", used by the other modules to enable a given sub-chain or another, or none (when the "null" command is given). A preliminary version is simulated in Falstad...

  • Arduino LED 8X8 DOT Matrix Display with MAX7219 The Dot Matrix display is so useful that every enthusiast once came across it. It is a two dimensional patterned LED array that is used to represent character, symbol and images. Almost every outdoor LED...
  • Cat Sprayer

  • Cat Sprayer Problem - My elderly cat has suddenly decided that she doesn’t want to use the litter box and is instead peeing on the hardwood floor under the dining table. I’ve tried a bunch of things to dissuade her but nothing has worked. The only thing...
  • High-efficiency LED driver circuit

  • Having previously decided which, and how many, LEDS we are going to use. It is now time to design a driver to power them. This post goes through the calculations needed to design the circuit, the following post gives some recommendations on designing...
  • "Complexity" of a time series

  • Techniques ReviewWe are going to consider only time series analysis in this section. There are reviews of "complexity measures" (Feldman and Crutchfield 1998, Daw, 2002). Kuusela, (2002) compare the results of ten different complexity measures...
  • Modules under the hood

  • Hello, today i wanted share some detailed overview of modules, how they built and more importantly how they communicate with main controller, it's significant as standarized communication interface is something which make possible to easily extend...