
174 Results for "8-bit cpu"


  • GERBER: DATASHEET ATMEGA328P: In this project we will make a sequence of LEDs on a PCB of a very decorative...
  • Testing the Prototype 2

  • The Muffsy MH-1 Prototype 2 has been soldered, and it's time for some testing. Both channels (yes, it's dual mono) use LT1115, with LT1097 and OP177 as DC servo, testing is done with 750/47 ohms gain resistors and 100 ohms input impedance. Input signal...
  • ETA1096 evaluation

  • In my quest to reduce the cost and manufacturability of the LiFePO4wered/Pi+, my attention was drawn to the ETA1096, a Chinese boost converter.  It is significantly lower cost than the TPS61236P, and it comes in a nice leaded package, so I thought...
  • Mission Controller

  • Having run out of screws to build Cub with, I'm now looking into the Naze32 AI pilot. Connecting everything up properly is the first order of the day. Everything is pretty much taken care of by the board, its VBat input takes up to 36 volts and it has...
  • Minimizing redraw flicker

  • Redraw flicker is mostly an issue with color LCD or OLED screens, where graphics are rendered with every function call. To minimize the effect I had to use an offscreen canvas, respectively the 1-bit canvas type for the animated robot face. You can think...
  • Parts Selection

  • This Project log shall bring you towards my personal reasoning behind why I pick this part and not that. Even before starting this project I already knew that this gonna cost me quite some bucks, where technically I can just spend it on high-end mechanical...
  • NAS - DIY HDD Bay

  • While reconfiguring my NAS setup made of a ReadyNAS 104 and a ICY BOX IB-RD3640SU3, I tried to connect the external bay to my laptop to access the drives. Only a single drive was accessible when configured as JBOD. With the RAID enable, the bay register...
  • PCBs Received, First Build

  • On the 14th, I received my printed circuit boards for the Pixel Pusher.  Yesterday, I got around to trying to build one of the three prototype boards I received. This is what a bare board looks like, component side up. My first task is to place...
  • 01: Fan Service

  • One of the biggest annoyances of this printer is that the UV LED array cooling fan runs 100% of the time. Even when there isn't anything being printed on.  It wouldn't bother me so much if the fan wasn't so loud. Which at full speed, distracts...

  • GERBER PCB : SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Here we can see the schematic diagram with all the values of the electronic components to be used. the schematic diagram was made in the EASYeda...
  • The Arduino code for "Bored No More"

  • The Arduino code for "Bored No More" #include #include #include #include "utility/Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h"#include //neopixels#define PIN 6 Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(120, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);// Create the motor shield...
  • More Germanium lemonade, OC70 edition

  • The log 29. Germanium lemonade covered the OC139 in my stock. I only have 70pcs of this NPN type, but I have significant reserve of the PNP type and it's time to break the suspense. Let's bin some ! n°hFEVbe mVIc mAIce0 mAIces µA 1472126.40.137...