
71 Results for "amateur radio"

  • Controller and FM demodulation

  • With the modules I have working currently it was enough for a simple FM direct conversion receiver.As with every other amateur out there this is Yet Another Teensy SDR, and I put the code here Most...
  • Uncovering the World of Graphic Overlays

  • The recent increase in availability of creator tools and services over the past few years has allowed many low-risk entry points for hobbyists, amateur product developers, and DIYers of all backgrounds to crack the often-mysterious seal surrounding hardware...
  • rDUINOScope Boiana

  • rDUINOScope is an Open Source, Arduino Due based Telescope Control System (GOTO). Drafted as stand alone system, rDUINOScope does not need PC, Tablet or Cell Phone, nor Internet connection in order to operate and deliver stunning views! It does however...
  • Optical Table

  • Let me start off with a statement of the obvious! Everyone on this site knows about solderless breadboards. What I’m going to describe in this article though is their Big Brother optical equivalent.  Way back in the early 2000s I was playing around...
  • TritiLED

  • Concept This is a project born of frustration. As an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, I often find myself stumbling around expensive and fragile equipment in the dark. A few years ago, I went looking for glow-in-the-dark markers I could attach...
  • The General Process of Laser Engraving

  • The General Process of Laser EngravingLaser engraving is a popular method of customization that uses laser technology to etch images or text onto various materials. This process has been around for quite some time now and is used in everything from jewelry...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to Hack Chat. I'm Dan, I'll be moderating today, and our guest is Les Wright who has been doing some really interesting stuff with lasers that are leaps beyond diode lasers. Les, are you online yet? LesWright12:00 PMHi, Yes, I am...
  • Homemade Rotovap

  • Introduction: A Rotovap is extremely useful to have for chemistry but is usually prohibitively expensive for most people to buy (~$500 used and >$2000 new). This project outlines how to create your own rotovap assuming you have a vacuum supply, wood...
  • Basic LCD Control- Arduino Workshop

  • we will create a demonstration project Arduino Basic LCD Control that will show off most of the functions available in the LiquidCrystal.h library. We will be using a backlit 16x2 LCD Display. You will need to obtain an LCD display that uses the HD44780...
  • The first tomographic reconstruction!

  • After building and populating four more detectors, the array had 12 pixels total, which sounded like enough to try to capture an image, and then move on to capturing the first tomographic slice. Here, I'll show an absorption image of an acrylic cube,...
  • Motor and Nozzle Design

  • IntroductionI've been working with a fellow rocketeer in his understanding and development of 1" PVC motors and thought this would be a good time to share the process on this project page. There will be a fair amount of math, but nothing overly complicated.Please...
  • Press Release

  • I've written a Press Statement, which I will be sending to our national papers tomorrow. Coincidentally, I'm also due in Magistrates Court over non-payment of my Council Tax. Seeing as I have no legal representation, and the Council owe me 100 times...
  • Super IMU

  • Introduction In this project, I describe my small odyssey in Ada for embedded ARM to realize from scratch an redundant IMU software and harware environment based on the latest performant IMU, the BMI088. And how to estimate the pitch and roll: What I...