
54958 Results for "%s"

  • Project Precision

  • Way back in the late 80s, I remember seeing a TV show (I think it was Amazing Stories) which featured an interesting clock. It was round, black, about the same size as a normal wall clock, and all done up in LEDs. The LEDs appeared to be what I now recognize...
  • MOAR I/O! (SPI)

  • I have a couple oled displays lying around, and I figured that the display wouldn't be too complicated to interface to (riiiight). Anyway, the OLED controller (SSD1306) is configured to communicate with SPI, so to talk to it, I need an SPI master entity...
  • CP Dice Bag For The Visually Impaired

  • My kids play games with a friend who is visually impaired. The thought went up, can the CP speak? According to Adadfuit's example code the answer is yes...but it is a finicky beast to hear. I put the code in from their example code and worked it into...
  • AndysAquaponics

  • Use node read.Import:[{"id":"3b4f4164.ff2986","type":"http in","z":"ecdc725b.4275e","name":"Get temp","url":"/temp","method":"get","swaggerDoc":"","x":104.5,"y":175.33331298828125,"wires":[["809da49f.ba0078"]]},{"id":"809da49f.ba0078","type":"rpi-ds18b20","z":"ecdc725b.4275e","topic":"","array":false,"name":"","x":326.5,"y":174.33331298828125,"wires":[["92362f3f.c5cff","93c6a90f.82fd38"]]},{"id":"92362f3f.c5cff","type":"http...
  • Checkers

  • Programming.Software is divided into two parts. Fisrt one is program for choosing the best move. Program having the board, simulate moves for each chequer, then respond of player, againg robots move and again players moove. So thanks to this simulation...
  • Assembly Assembler v1.0

  • The first assembly assembler is ready. Below I will paste the code and explain how to assemble it with the BASIC assembler. First some comments, though.---------- more ----------I have been using the following book as a reference: "8080/8085 ASSEMBLY...
  • A Better Sheet

  • A new and improved spreadsheet is now sorted by project, instead of by contest, making it easier to sort and analyze (no more double entries!) Get the spreadsheet, it looks much better. Download the new one here. It has presorted sheets for most Skulls,...