
18733 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • ( John Loefler12:29 PM@Michael Weinberg And isn't the new US law that it is the first "inverntor" to patent not "person". if you are the first to put it in the public domain isn't that prove you are the inventor...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK everyone, let's get started. Welcome to the first Hack Chat of 2020! We had a long holiday hiatus there, but we're ready to go again, and I'm happy to have Alberto Caballero from the Habitable Exoplanets Hunting Project here today. He's going to tell...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • juggie12:21 PMDoes that not come ith experience Charlie ... ? Charlie Morris ZL2CTM12:21 PMI don't mind using other peoples circuits, but I need to understand how they work forst. June12:22 PMThat would be amazing. Charlie Morris ZL2CTM12:22 PMMS-BOSS....
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, welcome everyone. Today's Hack Chat is a bit different, since we have no host per se. I'll be moderating, though - I'm Dan Maloney, staff writer at and community engineer at, BTW [skaarj]12:01 PMHint: for whoever is working...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Kendall Meade12:46 PM*either Peter Bosch12:46 PMif you mind your safety precautions, you can do quite alot safely. for example: me and some people at the local hackerspace made RFNA for decapping chips, which would be pretty dangerous if we hadn't thought...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Deviant Ollam12:26 PMwhen i say "any one" i mean any super clear one anfractuosity12:27 PMsilly question, do you ever use a stethoscope ? Deviant Ollam12:27 PM@anfractuosity something similar! i use an audio pickup amp at times anfractuosity12:27 PMooh,...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. I'm Dan, and as usual I'll be moderating. Today we welcome Alan McFarland to talk about his job making movies believable. Hi, Alan - care to start us off with a little about yourself? scubabear12:01 PMHi Dan, and...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Cory Collins11:59 AMHello! kristina panos11:59 AMHello! Dan Maloney12:00 PMAll righty then, let's get started. Welcome all, thanks for coming to the Hack Chat today. I'm Dan, I'll be minding the shop today along with Dusan as we welcome Cory Collins...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Pablo Oyarzo12:23 PM@Dan Maloney Eric OFC, Sam Zeloof , maybe Adam Savage?? and Simon Giertz Erin RobotGrrl12:23 PMDid you work at a design firm before making your own company? Which do you like more? Eric Strebel12:24 PMnice, i would like to meet some...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMOK, everyone, let's get started. I'm Dan and I'll be the moderator today along with Dusan for Mark Hughes and Greg Ziraldo. They're both from Advanced Assembly and they're here today to talk about big copper. Welcome! Mark J Hughes12:00...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Greg Ziraldo12:28 PM@Jason - stick to one weight. The minimal value-add to your design will be drastically over shadowed by the high manufacturing cost. Mark J Hughes12:28 PM3) How much current you'll put through the trace Mark J Hughes12:28 PMAnd then...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMWelcome to the Hack Chat everyone, Dan here with Dusan to moderate for Chris Denney as we kick off our Pick and Place Hack Chat. Dan Maloney12:00 PMYeah, I'm a dope Chris Denney12:00 PMCouldn't help the "hello everybody" when seeing...