
7274 Results for "3D printing"

  • Air Hacking Hack Chat Transcript

  • Stephen Tranovich12:05 PMSpeaking of which, let's get this Hack Chat started! A BIG welcome to @Amitabh Shrivastava for joining us on today's chat. Why don't you start us off by telling us a little about yourself? Boian Mitov12:05 PMWelcome @Amitabh...
  • Super IMU

  • Introduction In this project, I describe my small odyssey in Ada for embedded ARM to realize from scratch an redundant IMU software and harware environment based on the latest performant IMU, the BMI088. And how to estimate the pitch and roll: What I...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Brian Lough11:59 AMHey @Taiwo Dan Maloney12:00 PMHey everyone, looks like it's time to get started. Let's welcome Brian Lough to the Hack Chat! Brian, it looks like you're pretty well-known to the regulars, but maybe you can give everyone a little about...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Jan12:14 PM@technolomaniac do you personally support the subscription model Autodesk forced onto Eagle? morgan12:14 PM@technolomaniac being that F360 is said to run In The Clown, is there any future for a Linux client? stansanders12:14 PMi've taken...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • technolomaniac12:22 PM@Prof. Fartsparkle not yet. this is in the cards. personally I would throw the whole renderer out and start again and well...I make that call. so yes, we will do that. Prof. Fartsparkle12:23 PMoh that makes me very happy technolomaniac12:23...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Mihir Shah11:59 AMHi everyone, here is the link to the livestream: I'll be answering questions live on there ( and typing up summary's here... at the same time lol) We'll be going live in about a minute here OK all, let's get started. Let's welcome Mihir...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. It's time for us all to learn about what for a lot of us would be a dream job - working at the Jet Propulsion Lab. Arko joins us today to talk about what it's like to be a robotics engineer at JPL. Welcome Arko!...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. Bit of a departure today, but one I think you'll all enjoy. Seth Molson is a Playback Designer on TV and movie productions, and he creates the control panels and interfaces seen in sci-fi and fantasy productions....
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Joyce12:53 PMHiya! James Finch12:53 PMWay more complex when getting into the microwave range. Just watched a Keysight presentation noting how every section of a circuit in a system has to be studied to understand the affect... where I perceive is like...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • ( John Loefler12:29 PM@Michael Weinberg And isn't the new US law that it is the first "inverntor" to patent not "person". if you are the first to put it in the public domain isn't that prove you are the inventor...