
298 Results for "music"

  • Music Syntax and Guide

  • This badge has a built-in speaker and you can compose music for 3 voices using a simple scripting language. Use the BASIC interpreter to access these features with the syntax:  tune voice1,voice2,voice3,duration Duration is the number of milliseconds...
  • Music stand for an electric piano

  • Momentarily used a cardboard box for the laptop.  It was a pain to set up, but worked.  The only use was capturing MIDI in Finale, which was a painful program to use on a Mac. Stand bolted to piano:  What lions used before.  Too small...
  • Pre-MIDI MUSIC for the Apple II (1/2)

  • I have a small collection of keyboards designed to plug into the Apple II.The Passport Designs Soundchaser keyboard is a four octave keyboard, typically paired with the Mountain Computer Music System board set.  It can do 16 voices, in any...
  • NOMNOM: The Video Machine

  • About NOMNOM: The Video MachineNOMNOM: The Video Machine allows users to play YouTube videos as music samples, and sync them like a DJ.DJ consoles, mixers and controllers could be very intimidating for beginners. NOMNOM was crafted to help people with...
  • Sugarplum

  • Proposed features: * 16-bit homebrew processor, may do some 24-bit ops.* 16-bit I/O port to ease doing a homebrew GPU.* 20 - 24 bits memory addressing.* 3+ channel sound, perhaps 3 square-wave channels and a noise channel. 4+ channels would be nice.*...
  • Choice of pressure sensor

  • The idea of a super affordable smart pen was born when I was playing with the earphone volume slider while listening to music. I realized my force was applying to the volume slider and music was changing accordingly. This force (pressure) could be measured...
  • Project Log 02

  • 16/07/2021Add description.  Hardware, (*optional)RTL8722DM_MINI Micro SD cardA battery * Wireless charge module* LCD control panel (touch screen is possible). 3D printer casingSoftware,using Arduino IDE for developmentusing RTL8722DM_MINI,...
  • folundr

  • 'folundr' was created on the premise of making what is essentially self-contained, self-patching synthesizers that require no human input to function. In a sense, the ultimate goal would be to 'replace' precomposed music with music that creates itself...
  • Mother's Day Slide Puzzle

  • For Mother's Day a few weeks ago I made my wife a game on Dodo! It is basically one of those plastic slide puzzle games like this:The picture for the puzzle is of our two kids. My wife loves big band music so I set the background to 'Moonlight Serenade',...