
298 Results for "music"

  • Bot-thoven: A Robot Musician

  • Bot-thoven: A Musical Robot Performer Problem/Issue From Honda’s theremin playing robot (Tsujino, Okuno, & Mizumoto, 2014) to the robot used in Nigel Stanford’s music video “Automatica,” a numerous number of instrument-playing robots have...
  • System Overview

  • The upright laser harp consists of 12 lasers and photoresistors arranged in six layers. Two mirrors per layer reflect the laser beams to the photoresistors. In the figure, the red arrow indicates how the laser is reflected to the photoresistor and the...
  • Splash Adelaide 16 Detector Array

  • The Splash Adelaide installation was very successful will allot of public interest and questions.  The IoT setup also went well and we were able to live stream data to another computer where it was mapped into music using MAX/MSP software.  The...
  • Upright Laser Harp

  • MOTIVATION I was motivated to create a laser harp that was easier to play. With this design, the lasers land on "frets," which makes it much simpler to block notes with a single finger. Usually laser harps are played by blocking the beam with your entire...
  • TokyLabs Music Box

  • TokyLabs Music Box Website Link : Level Music Box   The TokyLabs MusicBox is a simple weekend project using the Tokymaker to create a sheet-reading sound box. The Tokymaker will use light sensors...
  • Key Components Part 2: Graphics and Sound Cores.

  • I spent some time researching graphics and sound options for BoxLambda. Here’s what I came up with. Graphics If you’re reading this, you must be into the build-your-own-computer thing, which probably means you’re aware of the super cool Commander X16...
  • Knocked it out in a night

  • Got drunk the other night and figured, why not, now is the time for this. It turned out to be a reasonably straightforward project really. First step was going to be babbling about the microswitch, but actually, first step is my long list of assumptions!Assumptions:You...
  • Acrylic light effect tower

  • This is a light effect tower that listen to the music. There are different modes: some are similar to a VU meter and two similar to strobo lights. The core is a PIC micro controller that samples a microphone, it calculates the max level of noise and...
  • Annotation attempt 1

  • A pretty frustrating experience, to be sure.  It's nowhere near as easy with a mouse on a music desk as it was with a pencil or a mouse on a normal desk.  Line, oval, zoom tools might help, but drawing text without a keyboard is hopeless. ...
  • Updated screen offerings

  • This is a 17" 4k, portable display which would bring back the ability to directly write on music with the required accuracy.  The height is 15.6".  The historic height of staff paper is 12" but 15.6"...
  • C.H.I.P Pro BoomBox Dip

  • Demo of the Dual Mini Speaker hat above.5/16/17 New Design with the MAX98 Ampifier_________updated BooMBox DIP looks like its ready to be the bard for the skeleton war.Hackaday Challenge 2017 Section------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Challenge...