
9 Results for "bar robot"

  • Version 16 Prebuild Fixes

  • ElectronicsTested the photo diode sensors on Version 15 and was not seeing a high enough voltage  for the ESP8266 to get the high input. Decided to run the the resistor before the sensor instead of after. Breadboarding it showed promise and so I redid...
  • The design blurb, part 2

  • Here's the second half of the design notes on the card. I've hopefully covered most of the design decisions made, but if you've got any other questions, feel free to ask.SoftwareClock software is written in C using Atmel Studio 7.0, and compiled with...
  • Setting up Eagle and beginning a design.

  • So far I've gone for the STM32F446VET6 a LQFP100 Cortex M4, I switched away from the LQFP64 because I wanted the option of using the FMC for external RAM, probably muxed PSRAM.I use Eagle for these type of layouts, and I don't have a part already for...
  • BlinkToText

  • Introduction Paralyzed people lack the ability to control muscle function in one or more muscle groups. The condition can be caused by stroke, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and many other diseases. Locked-in Syndrome (LIS) is a form of paralysis where patients...
  • The Trash Printer - Version 3

  • The Trash Printer was inspired by the Precious Plastic movement, a global, open-source, small-scale plastic recycling movement! It started with 4 open-source machines - a shredder, an extruder, an injection molder, and a compression oven. Since the...