
31476 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸후기た 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ⑷plenty㎋셔츠룸후기셔츠룸후기んteeth 셔츠룸후기선릉셔츠룸 강남셔츠룸₩셔츠룸ⓤsilverⓞ"

  • Transcript 1

  • Dan MaloneyJun-7 10:52 AMHi all -- Hack Chat coming up in about an hour: Dan MaloneyJun-7 10:53 AM HACKADAY Getting Started in Ham Hack Chat Mark Hughes and Beau Ambur will host the Hack...
  • Transcript 2

  • Dan MaloneyJun-7 12:09 PM@Norbert - in the US at least, there's a big chunk of the 6-meter band devoted to RC. Not sure if anyone uses that anymore though Mark J HughesJun-7 12:09 PM@Dan Maloney There are study apps in the google play store and iPhone...
  • Transcript 4

  • Mark J HughesJun-7 12:57 PMAre you in SoCal? hamsterdaveJun-7 12:57 PMBack in my day, we had to know CW at FIFTEEN words a minute to even look at a radio! fidJun-7 12:57 PM@Mark J Hughes You also don't need a calculator during the test session. K6FID...
  • Hack Chat Transcript

  • Dan Maloney  3:00 PM OK, here we go! I'm Dan, I'll be modding today along with Dusan as we welcome Bryan Murphy and Sam Treadgold to the Hack Chat. I've seen Bryan, is Sam there too? Also maybe someone else? Dusan Petrovic  3:00 PM Welcome to the Modeling...
  • LaunchPad

  • You said I thought I would see what happens when I share all the links from this Open Source GIS Tool website.  This is information that helps my project team work on our upcoming projects.  Enjoy!  Open Source GIS[Last...