
62 Results for "music"

  • Rez

  • Hi, name's Rez, a web developer, soon to be Linux Sysadmin and a Hardware Hacking Enthusiast trying to learn stuff.
  • Ivan Anikin

  • I'm a student with passion for coding, sports, reading, arts, music, learning and travelling.
  • Juan Rios

  • Engineer, hacker and artist. I love the maker movement and want to improve the the way the world works with my creations
  • Laurent

  • I'm a juggler and I discovered computer science in 2007 with GNU/Linux. Now I particularly like embedded systems, uC...
  • Renato Costa

  • I'm a computer engineering student, curious guy with technology, hacker, engineer. I like games, music and mostly break thing to
  • Nick Moore

  • Hardware and embedded systems focused computer engineering grad employed as a hadoop software developer.
  • Ursa

  • Human being on planet earth loves modular synthesizers, computers & basically everything that runs on electricity and code
  • Bailey

  • I am a musician and amateur tinkerer. I know a fair bit about software programming, but no hardware; I'm looking to learn.
  • ajiamino-unknown

  • Amazon Music As a Prime member, you can stream 2 million songs ad-free. Listen on your favourite devices and download to listen
  • FatherVoid

  • Hey there! I am a noob who enjoys having his toes dipped into anything and everything!