
83 Results for "S%20%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%B6%94%EC%B2%9C%EC%97%85%EC%B2%B4%20CDDC7.COM%20%E2%99%AA%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C%20B77%E2%99%AA%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%ED%94%BC%EC%A7%80%EC%BB%AC%E0%BE%AA%ED%94%BC%EB%A7%9D%ED%8F%AC%EC%BB%A4%EC%BF%A0%ED%8F%B0%E2%98%B8%EC%B9%B4%EC%A7%80%EB%85%B8%EC%A7%81%EC%97%85%E2%8B%94%EC%8B%A4%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84tv%EC%A4%91%EA%B3%84%DA%A2%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%B6%94%EC%B2%9C%EC%97%85%EC%B2%B4%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%20dissimilarity/"

  • Cablecam

  • This project has everything I like, hardware, software, electronics. It was one of the first projects where I could integrate all of this.
    • 48
    • 44
  • Programmable flexible timer

  • Programmable timer project intended for professional and educational use in the fields of technology, automation, research and development.
    • 0
    • 0
  • Dynamic Interactivity

  • My project for college where I have to design an interactive scenario where users will gain hopefully an interesting experience from.
    • 2
    • 2
  • Space Invader's

  • Create an immersive Space Invaders game experience with a laser gun for shooting and an adaptable ship. Intuitive, universal design for all
    • 0
    • 0