
135 Results for "e-ink"

  • Adding an e-ink display

  • 2020-12-12 Bought this from the Pi Shop for £25. This might be useful in battery-powered equipment, to show data like when a battery was last fitted, and how much estimated battery life is left. This will...
  • Fighting with NFC

  • So after the first proof of concept with the Raspberry Pi and direct SPI connection for the screen I was fairly satisfied. At least for a few weeks. It bothered me that I needed to use a connector at all. I started to look up about wireless charging,...
  • LED blinks!

  • Finally! Some energy generated by the microbial fuel cell has been harvested and put to use~  The aim of this demonstration is to showcase that the concept does work and generate electricity in a beautiful and simple way. Once I figured out a way...
  • The Curse of the OLED Display 3

  • This is not my first encounter with those small OLED display modules. We actually go back a while. First I tried to use it for the #Micro:Boy project, and I kept failing to get it working so much, that in the final version I decided to just use...
  • Where's my loggery?

  • Printze was a months-long project... Where're all my logs?Off the tlp of my head:Goopy-vias from blown caps was an early thing, fixed...Blown transistors, replaced...Once functioning, a little alcohol revived 20+year-old ink heads.Injected ink from a...
  • Taking a Step Back

  • After indulging myself with trying out different hardware and prototypes, I realized that I really don't have enough information to design a good badge. You know, all those displays and chips and sensors and buttons and batteries are cool, but at the...
  • reiREXcarnation

  • It all began with a big letdown. Back in 2010 when the grass was greener and the blues bluer i decided to stop ruining my eyes and start taking a part in the e-ink revolution. I choose the IREX DR1000S for obvious reasons. The size and the possibility...