
2843 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 O1O%CE%9E5793%CE%9E7458%E3%80%8B %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%E3%86%8B %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8applause%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%EC%8B%A0%EC%82%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%A3%BC%EB%8C%80caught %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%E3%8F%87%E3%85%97%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0queer"

  • EC Sensor

  • EC is the abbreviation for Electro Conductivity. It is used to determine the nutrient concentration of the solution. This factor is essential to optimize the soilless culture. Indeed, the nutrient concentration will not be the same for a seeding as for...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • 20230216b -- "Files"

  • The gist of this unit is that you type text into a discrete 'file' and then you can edit and later transfer to a separate computer via the keyboard emulation.  While whizzing through the code doing other things, various strings caught my eye, such...
  • All boards received

  • The rest of the boards just came:I think I will connect them together through wire-wrapped "motherboard" (lets call it "NEDONAND-10" ; )All of these NEDONAND components could be tested one by one using PIC microcontroller (connected to PC through RS-232)...
  • 20230214a -- Memory, cont.

  • Operating under the current assumption that RAM is 32 KiB banked at address 0000-7fff, with the first 256 bytes masked off by special function registers and internal SRAM, some other code sections of interest were found.  E.g.:ED00 loc_ED00: ED00...
  • Debugging

  • Debugging Need to get this project working. One problem is that the Nano does not have enough pins. So I have used a Meduino (a Mega2560 Pro Mini). Here is the schematic: Here is the PCB: The ports (P1 & P2) match the TTA8 bus. A problem with the Meduino...
  • Step 1: 3D printing

  • To build a tower you will need to print the 3D parts shown on the left of the image. The "Sensors float" part is optional, print it if you want to use the pH and EC sensors. You will need 12 times the part: "Basket".  You can download the files...
  • Step 1: 3D printing

  • To build a tower you will need to print the 3D parts shown on the left of the image. The "Sensors float" part is optional, print it if you want to use the pH and EC sensors. You will need 12 times the part: "Basket".  You can download the files...
  • The Great Resistor

  • This idea was born when i saw this project years ago: NOTE: There is a bug showing resistor values under 100 since gold nor silver can be displayed. AND the multiplier seems to be...